1180 E Sanders Rd, Sandy, Utah 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked MIddle School Badge

February 7, 2023 – Minutes




Via Zoom: https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/86478511002?pwd=TW8zbXp2YStpeEpzeCsyd2JYdjNEQT09



Voting Members: Karlie Aardema, Annette Alley, Katie Atkinson, Peter Baxter, Jason Dyer, Navina Forsythe, Doug Graham, Alan Layton, Michael Mayall, Roxann Wolfe


Non-voting Members

Alternates: Merinda Cutler and Mindy Cupello

PTSA President – Lisa Kendrick

Middle School Director in School Performance – Cindy Hanson

Parent – Sherry Iverson

Guest speaker – Josh Downs and Jessica Harris



Navina moves to approve the minutes.  Doug seconded.

Welcome and approval of minutes – Katie Atkinson, Chair

1.     Josh Downs – Guest speaker

a.     We changed the date to March 13th because of a possible virtual day on March 6th .  We will do 1st – 3rd period and he will come before hand to check technology.

b.     Josh introduced himself.  He has worked with kids for a long time.  Part of a foundation called Love Heart. 

c.     Josh will come and present to our faculty at our faculty meeting on February 24th.  He will meet with the WEB leaders during 7th period.  

d.     Josh asked about a mascot and since we don’t have one, we nominated a student to be the leader of the assemblies.

e.     Josh is going to come to lunches for follow up activities on March 30th.

2.     TSSP and LAND Trust Plans – next year’s planning

a.     Doug has asked math, science, and ELA departments to get together and look at our goals and refine them if needed.  They met as departments last week and will finalize their goals this Friday.  Doug will then start drafting our TSSP.  This is the first year that we feel like we have comparable data.  We are looking at more data along with RISE so that we can have more real time data.  This plan needs to be finalized by April 17th.

3.     Personal Electronic Devices

a.     We need to start thinking about routines we can implement at the school level when it comes to personal devices.  We are doing Mindful Mondays right now, but they focus on what teachers are doing.  We can talk about implementing things for student use of devices.

b.     Katie mentioned that whatever we implement, it needs to be consistent with teachers, parents, and students. 

c.     Alan talked about how hard it is to enforce no cell phones and didn’t think it was a huge problem. 

d.     Navina mentioned that she also agrees that some students need phones.  She also has data about social media and bans being put in to place.

e.     Navina provided the following links

                                               i.     https://le.utah.gov/~2023/bills/static/HB0270.html

                                             ii.     https://le.utah.gov/~2023/bills/static/HB0311.html

                                            iii.     https://le.utah.gov/~2023/bills/static/SB0152.html

f.      Mindy talked about how her daughter only communicates with her during lunch.  She supports no phone in the classroom, but does not support phones being taken during lunch.

g.     Michael agrees with what Mindy said.  His son leaves the phone in his locker and then uses the phone quickly if he needs to communicate with parents quickly.

4.     Student Center Update – Roxann Wolfe

a.     We had a great incoming 6th grade day and 6th grade orientation night with parents.  We had a great turnout. 

b.     This week the counselors are in the 6th and 7th grade classrooms to start getting registered for next year.  All class requests are due February 17th.

5.     PTSA Update – Lisa Kendrick

a.     We had a great time at 6th grade orientation.  We had parents who want to help out next year.  We still need a president elect and a secretary.  Mindy Cupello said she could put herself in for president elect. 

b.     Next week our student board is going to the capitol (about 20 students).

6.     Other items not listed

7.     Adjournment

a.     Alan moves to adjourn and Navina seconded.


Next meeting is March 7th on Zoom