1180 E Sanders Rd, Sandy, Utah 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked MIddle School Badge

Student Handbook


Home of the Warriors


Sandy, UT 84094

Main Office (801) 826-7100

Attendance Office (801) 826-7111

Counseling Office (801) 826-7120


Shelly Karren, Principal

Joseph Olson, Assistant Principal (A-K)

Karlie Aardema, Assistant Principal (L-Z)

Roxanne Wolfe, Head Counselor

Parents and Students –

Welcome to Indian Hills Middle School, home of the Warriors! Our mission at IHMS is to provide for the academic success of every student. We hope you are ready for the exciting opportunities and challenges that you will be presented with this year.  A focused commitment to your own personal growth will ensure that you have a successful year.

Indian Hills Middle School has a professional faculty and staff dedicated to fulfilling the mission of the school.  Our amazing employees are here to support you in your pursuit of academic excellence.  As a Warrior, you are expected to always do your very best, one day at a time!  When help is needed, please know that we are here to help you be successful.

One very important step to being successful is time management and organization.  Developing a regular study routine, completing homework on time, and managing your activities outside of school is essential. This handbook will help you with basic information and organization structure.  With the move to Chromebooks and one-to-one technology, students are expected to use the organization tools located in Google Docs and Canvas.  Please check these tools regularly.

If you are new to Indian Hills Middle School this year, remember that everyone who is in the school was new at one time.  It is natural to be confused and overwhelmed at first.  You will fall into your routine and become familiar with everything very quickly.  You are a Warrior, and you will be successful!

Students who are returning to Indian Hills Middle School, look for opportunities to help those that are new!  Be supportive of new students and help out with a smile, a word of encouragement, or simply pointing someone in the right direction.  Be inclusive and invite someone you may not know to join you at lunch, join an activity, or sit next to you in class.  Reach out and be kind!

We welcome you and want you to take full advantage of what Indian Hills Middle School has to offer.  We are looking forward to an exciting year of growth and academic success.  If you have any questions, suggestions, and/or concerns, please feel free to contact us at 801-826-7100.


Ms. Shelly Karren, Principal

Ms. Karlie Aardema, Assistant Principal

Mr. Joseph Olson, Assistant Principal

How do I act like a Warrior?

 With OthersHallway Assemblies

Library and 

Computer Lab


*Active listening

*Look for ways to help others

*Go directly to class

*Carry Hall Pass

*Enter and exit quietly

*Return books

*Know login information

*Use equipment appropriately

*Keep food in cafeteria

*Clean Up after yourself

*Return trays to proper place

*Keep bathroom clean                      *Flush toilets

*Use bathroom for intended purpose


*Speak positively to and about others

*Say “Please” and “Thank You”

*Use appropriate language

*Quiet Voices, lockers, and feet             

*Keep hands and feet to self

*Quiet voices and feet                        *Applaud and respond appropriately

*Active listening

*Use a quiet voice level

*Keep food and drink out

*Wait patiently                         *Keep hands, feet, and food to yourself

*Quiet voices

*Quiet voices                                *Observe personal space

*Keep hands and feet to self

*Observe personal space


*Stay to right

*Be aware

*Move quickly through intersections

*Enter and exit correctly

*Sit/ stand appropriately with feet on the floor


*Observe personal space

*Push in chairs

*Walk at all times

*Keep floor clean

*Sit appropriately, with feet on the floor

*Wash hands

General Information

Academic Program

The curriculum at Indian Hills Middle School gives every student the opportunity to succeed.  Mistakes are expected and each classroom environment should support this learning philosophy.  The basic curriculum requires all students to study reading, writing, mathematics, science, health, social studies, and physical education.  In addition, this basic program is enhanced by excellent courses in fine arts, technology education, family and consumer science, and foreign languages. All students are expected to complete all assigned work on time.  Additional help is available as outlined below.  Students are responsible for contributing to the positive learning environment through their participation in classroom activities, completion of expected assignments and assessments, and self-advocating when additional assistance is needed.

Academic/Behavior Supports

IHMS offers several academic and behavioral supports.

  • Teaming: Students are placed in teams for their four core classes.  These teams of teachers are able to identify, coordinate, and implement necessary support for student needs.
  • The Academic Support Center is available to students who may need assistance or a quiet place to test during regular school hours. Teachers can arrange for students to access the center when necessary.
  • Warrior Support is offered for math tutoring in individual classrooms Tuesday – Thursday.  General academic support is offered in the Media Center Tuesday – Thursday.  Students are always welcome to make individual appointments with any teacher when support is needed.
  • Students may also be placed on a tracker or participate in the check in/check out program if they are not successful academically or behaviorally.


Backpacks need to be of minimal size (not to exceed 16” H x 14” L x 5” W) and should only contain the necessary school materials required for each student’s schedule.  With the advantage of Chromebooks being the primary educational tool needed, other items should complement/supplement the needs for the school day.  Backpacks should be secured in the student’s locker when not in use.  Backpacks are not allowed in the cafeteria during lunch.


Indian Hills Middle School has a cafeteria where our students may enjoy breakfast and lunch in a healthy, pleasant environment.  Nutritional breakfasts and lunches are available to students at a minimal cost.

After finishing their lunch and if weather permits, students may exit the cafeteria and stay within the southwest end of the campus. No food may be taken outside the designated eating areas. Reminder to parents and students: IHMS has a closed campus policy for lunch.  Students must be checked out through the attendance office by a parent or guardian to leave at lunch.  We will not be able to accept food deliveries from food delivery services and are not responsible for undelivered food.  Parents may drop off lunches to the main office  if necessary.

Student Center

The Student Center is located near the Main Office.  Staffed by caring, qualified counselors, the Student Center is prepared to assist when problems of an educational, vocational, or personal nature arise.  Students, parents, and staff members are encouraged to seek assistance by contacting the counseling secretary for appointments.  A school psychologist, a licensed social worker, and a contracted therapist are also available for students with more specialized needs.

Students are assigned to a school counselor according to the first letter of their last name.

Ms. Wolfe, A-G   Ms. Gadsby, LCSW

Ms. Panunto, H-N Dr. Segura, Psychologist

Ms. Seete, O-Z

Every student will have an opportunity to meet with his/her parents and a counselor to review student educational and career goals in a formal College and Career Readiness Conference.  Because parental support is a primary influencing factor in student success, this conference will help parents maintain regular communication with their child and school staff, thus demonstrating an active interest in their child’s performance.

Hall Passes

During class time, students are permitted in the halls only when they have a valid hall pass.  Only one student per class may use the hall pass at a time.  Hall pass use is at the teacher’s discretion and should only be used for emergency purposes.  Drinks and restroom use should be accessed during the class break.  Students caught abusing hall passes may have the privilege revoked by teachers and/or administration.

Library Media Center (LMC)

The LMC is open for student use 30 minutes before and after scheduled class hours.  The LMC has a variety of books, reference materials, audiovisual materials, computers,  and an array of material-production items.  Students may use these items for research and school studies.  If special assistance is required, arrangements may be made with the teacher-librarian.  Students may come to the LMC before and after school and during passing periods without a pass.  During class periods, the assigned teacher must issue a pass.  All backpacks, food, and drinks must be left in the designated area of the LMC.  Students are also encouraged to come in during the lunch periods, but must obtain a lunch pass (obtained in the LMC before school) before doing so.  Four books may be checked out at a time for a period of 14 school days.

Fine Policy

  • Upon checking out a book, students will be given a verbal and written notice of the due date for all checked out items.
  • If the book is lost, students will either pay for its replacement or replace it with a duplicated copy they have purchased.  


Students will be allowed to access their lockers before school and during class breaks up to and including the break between 6th and 7th period.  Students are expected to prepare to exit the building directly from their 7th period class at the conclusion of the school day.  Students will not be allowed to access their lockers after school.

Lockers are school property and are issued to students for storage of school books and school equipment. It is important that students not share their locker combinations with any other student.  Students are responsible for keeping their lockers neat and clean both inside and out.  They should not write on, scratch, carve, dent or in any way deface the lockers. Magnetized accessories are approved. Students must use only the locker that was assigned to them.  Students who violate these regulations may lose locker privileges and will be required to make payment sufficient to cover damage.

School officials reserve the right to search any or all lockers. Illegal items found in lockers will be confiscated, and students to whom the lockers are assigned may be prosecuted. All locker combinations are changed during the summer. All lockers are subject to inspection when deemed necessary by school personnel. The school is not responsible for anything stolen from lockers.

Lost and Found

If you lose something, check the Lost and Found bin in the cafeteria. Canyons School District is not

responsible for any personal property which is lost, stolen, or vandalized, or which may have been entrusted for storage and/or safekeeping by Canyons School District or any employee of Canyons School District. There is no provision that allows payment for any personal item that is taken from school premises.  Lost and found items not claimed will be donated at the end of each quarter to a local charitable organization.


It is the policy of Canyons School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, disability, gender, gender identity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or socio-economic status in any educational program.

Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA)

The PTSA makes significant contributions to the education programs of IHMS. PTSA Membership Dues are $7.50 per year.  The dues collected are used to fund school assemblies and awards, “Ribbon Week” activities, and school needs.  The board’s philosophy is to use membership funds to cover the expenses of student enrichment activities and school improvement projects rather than solicit funds through annual fundraisers.  Consequently, all dues and donations are welcome.

All students will have the opportunity to purchase a Student Memory Book.  Student pictures and school event photographs will be included in the book.  The memory books have been popular and may be paid for on Skyward during initial registration, or throughout the year until the order deadline.  Instructions for ordering after initial registration will be available on the PTSA tab of the school website. Pre-ordering is the only way to guarantee receiving a memory book.

PTSA volunteers contribute to the educational success of IHMS.  Parents and grandparents are encouraged to become actively involved in volunteer programs available at the school.

Report Cards

Report cards will be available through Skyward at the end of each term.  To view and/or print a copy of your student’s report card, log in to your Family Access account in Skyward.  If you do not have access to an electronic device, please contact the school.  End of the year report cards are mailed home in late June.

Schedule Changes

Students are placed in teams to best ensure their academic success.  Team changes are only allowed with administration permission, are handled on a case by case basis, and are very rare.  Parents and students are expected to work closely with teachers when concerns arise.  Please see the procedure in the Student Center tab on our website under Class Schedules.

Sick Room

If a student is sick enough to leave class, he/she must get a teacher referral and go to the Student Center.  After 15 minutes, the student will be sent back to class.  If the student is too ill to remain in school, the parent or guardian will be contacted in order to check the student out of school.  Students not having permission to be out of class will be considered truant.

Special Education

Indian Hills is dedicated to meeting the special educational and/or physical needs of all our students.  Specialists are available to help with vision, speech and hearing, physical disabilities, learning disabilities, and psychological needs.

Student Activities/Opportunities

The activity program provides for social and cultural development for all grade levels.  Students are encouraged to participate in these activities.  Student behavior should be courteous at all times.

  • Assemblies:  Students are expected to enter the auditorium quietly, in an orderly manner, and maintain appropriate, acceptable behavior at all times.
  • Intramural Opportunities: Students may participate in intramural cross country, chess, basketball, and co-ed      soccer.  Participation dates and procedures will be announced throughout the year.  Students are expected to show good sportsmanship throughout these intramural events.
  • Other Opportunities:  National Junior Honor Society (7th & 8th),  Math Counts (6th-8th), Debate (6th-8th), Art Club (6th-8th), Student Council (6th-8th), WEB Leader (8th), Book Blitz (6th-8th), After-school STEM classes, Spanish Culture Club.


If a student needs to use the phone, he/she must obtain permission from a teacher or staff member and must go to the Attendance Office.


All visitors are required to check in at the main office.  Student visitors are not allowed in the school during regular school hours. This is for the protection of students and staff members.

Attendance Information


Regular attendance and participation at school are the keys to success at IHMS.  Each student is expected to be in class every period of the day unless properly excused. Frequent absences of students from the day-to-day classroom experiences disrupt the instructional process. The benefits of instruction, once lost, cannot be entirely regained. The entire process of education requires a continuity of instruction, class participation, learning experience, and study. Students are expected to be in attendance and complete their assigned work every school day in order to receive maximum benefit from their educational endeavor.

When students are absent, the parent or guardian must call the Attendance Office at 801-826-7111 within five days to excuse the absence. If students go to the doctor during school hours and/or are absent from school as a result of illness, please provide a note from the doctor to the Attendance Office.

Check In/Out

If students arrive after 8:15 a.m., they must check in with the Attendance Office. When students must leave school during the day, their parents/guardians must come into the school to check them out. Any person checking out a student must show picture ID.  Only the parents or legal guardians may approve students to be checked out from school.  Students may be released to others listed on their registration card only after the parent or guardian has given direct approval, and then that individual must come into the Attendance Office.  If the student leaves school without officially checking out, he/she is considered truant. If a child is not to be released to a non-custodial parent/guardian listed on the card, it is the custodial parent’s responsibility to notify the Attendance Office and provide proof of a protective order or court order.  If a court order is lifted, the custodial parent must provide a copy of the court order to the Attendance Office.

Educational Leave

Students may apply for up to 10 days of educational/vacation leave per school year prior to the absences.  A parent must call or send a note to the Attendance Office before students can receive an Educational Leave Form.  Once the student obtains the form from the Attendance Office, he/she must complete the form and return it before leaving on vacation. This form must be completed before the event.  Students can access school work on Canvas during these times.

Emergency Contact Information

In order for us to reach parents in an emergency, please keep information on Skyward updated or submit changes of address, phone numbers, and email addresses to the Attendance Office.

Home and Hospital

When a doctor writes an order for a student to be out of school for over 10 days, a parent needs to contact the student’s assistant principal to arrange for home and hospital teaching services.  Parents or guardians will need to take the Home and Hospital form to the student’s doctor.  The doctor fills out the form.  Parents can return the form to school, or the doctor’s office can scan or fax the form to IHMS.  The fax number is 801-826-7109.

Absent Work

When students are absent, they are still responsible for doing the work assigned.  Students will be able to access Canvas and stay engaged in their learning during these absences.  If necessary, the student may contact the individual teacher for assistance or additional information.


It is important that students are on time to class in order to receive full instructional benefits.  Excessive tardies will result in classroom and/or school consequences.  Tardies are also a part of a student’s citizenship grade.

H = 1 tardy

S = 2-3 tardies

N = 4-6 tardies (Teachers contact parents when a student reaches 4 tardies per term in any class)

U = 7+ tardies (Students with 7 or more tardies in any given class period per term will be referred to administration)

Administration will also give consequences to those students who have excessive overall tardies.

Truancy Intervention Strategies

IHMS teachers, staff, and administration continually strive to create a meaningful, successful learning environment for students.  The following strategies are used to assist students in being successful at school:

  1. Students who are habitually absent are identified through weekly meetings of administrative staff (counselors, the psychologist, and administrators).  Strategies are developed to assist students.
  2. Administrative conference: (as needed) students and parents work with an administrator to resolve the attendance issue.
  3. The Canyons Family Center may be used as a resource for students and their families.  The Center offers classes and individual counseling.  The Center’s website is: http://www.canyonsdistrict.org/component/k2/item/374-family-center
  4. Sandy City School Resource Officers (SROs) are trained to work specifically with school-age children.  SROs are used to educate students and their families on the consequences of truancy.

Withdrawal from School

When students move outside the school boundaries, they need to withdraw from Indian Hills.  This process includes obtaining a withdrawal sheet from the Attendance Office, receiving clearance from each teacher, returning the school issued Chromebook, all books, cleaning out lockers, and paying any fines.  Failure to complete all of these steps will result in a delay releasing student records enabling the student to enroll in their new school.

Student Recognition and Success Programs

Student recognition programs at Indian Hills Middle School provide an opportunity for students to be acknowledged for exemplary behavior and academic success.

The following programs are designed to recognize deserving individuals:

  • Students caught obeying Indian Hills rules will receive WARRIOR POINTS, which allow them to purchase reward items from their teachers.
  • One boy and girl from each team will be chosen once a month as a WARRIOR OF THE MONTH by each team as the students best exemplifying positive student behavior.
  • Students who have a 3.5 GPA or higher will receive recognition for their efforts on the WARRIOR HONOR ROLL.
  • Students who increase their GPA by .5 or more each quarter will receive an ASCENDING WARRIOR certificate honoring their achievement.
  • Students who are not absent and/or have zero tardies will receive a DEPENDABLE WARRIOR certificate each quarter.
  • Teachers will recognize students each day as the WARRIOR OF THE DAY.
  • Students who maintain a 4.0 throughout their 3 years at IHMS will receive the PRINCIPAL’S AWARD prior to the end of their 8th grade year.

Student Code of Conduct

Philosophy of Discipline

The discipline policy of Indian Hills Middle School is built on the principles of fairness, firmness, and consistency and is exercised in an atmosphere of caring and concern.  The discipline policy at Indian Hills Middle School is designed to meet the requirements of Canyons School District’s Policies 500.02 – Student Conduct and Disciplinary Process and 500.01: Non-Discrimination, to create an environment conducive to learning and one that permits teachers and students to work in a safe place, free from physical and emotional harm.  It also provides opportunities for students to develop self-esteem, self-control, and emerging adult social skills.  In a safe environment, students learn to function effectively in society and learn to balance the needs of groups and individuals so that skills of self-control, self-efficacy, and self-reliance are developed.  In order to create this environment, students are expected to obey local and state laws as well as district and school policies and procedures.

Electronic Devices

Personal electronic devices and accessories (i.e., cell phones, headphones, ear pods, portable speakers, etc.) are not permitted during school hours and will be confiscated.  Students may use personal electronic devices during lunch time, however.  Any use of a personal electronic device during school hours that exploits personal information, disrupts the educational process, invades personal privacy or compromises the integrity of educational programs will be considered a violation of the acceptable use policy.  Violation of the acceptable use policy will result in suspension and loss of electronic privileges. Indian Hills Middle School will not assume responsibility for personal items that are broken, lost, or stolen.

Bullying, Hazing, Cyberbullying, Abusive Conduct, and Retaliation

Bullying, Hazing and Cyber-bullying, Abusive Conduct, and Retaliation are abusive and illegal behaviors that harm victims and negatively impact the school environment. Canyons School District strictly prohibits any student or school employee from engaging individually or collectively in any form of bullying, hazing, cyber-bullying, abusive conduct, or retaliation on school property, in conjunction with any school activity, or involving any person associated with a school activity regardless of where it occurs.  CSD policy will be followed when a report of misconduct is verified.

Illegal Substances and Violations

Public Notice to Parent/Legal Guardians and Students of the District:  You Are Hereby Notified that use of illegal drugs and the unlawful possession and use of alcohol is damaging and harmful and is a violation of Canyons School District policy for any student to distribute, dispense, possess, or use or be under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or unlawfully manufacture, distribute, possess, or use or be under the influence of any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, anabolic steroids or any other controlled substance, as defined in Schedules I through V of Section 202 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. §812) and as further defined by regulation 21 C.F.R. 1308.11-1308.15, the Utah Controlled Substances Act (Utah Code §58-37-1), the Alcohol Beverage Control Act (Utah Code §32B-1-101), and the Utah Criminal Code, Cigarettes, E-Cigarettes, and Tobacco and Psychotoxic Chemical Solvents (Utah Code §76-10-1), before or after school or in any other school district location. Any student who violates the terms of the school district’s illegal substances policy is subject to the discipline outlined in the district’s policies including all disciplinary sanctions consistent with local, state, and federal law, up to and including suspension and referral for prosecution.


A threat is an expression of intent to harm someone that may be spoken, written, or gestured. An expression of intent to harm someone is considered a threat regardless of whether it is communicated to an actual or prospective victim and regardless of whether the actual or prospective victim is aware of the threat existing in any fashion, whether orally, visually, in writing, or electronically.

Threats Against Schools

An individual is guilty of making threat against school if the individual threatens in person or via electronic means, either with real intent or as an intentional hoax, to commit any offense involving bodily injury, death, or substantial property damage and:

  1. threatens the use of a firearm or weapon or hoax weapon of mass destruction;
  2. acts with intent to:
  • disrupt the regular schedule of the school or influence or affect the conduct of students, employees, or the general public at the school;
  • prevent or interrupt the occupancy of the school or a portion of the school, or a facility or vehicle used by the school; or
  • intimidate or coerce students or employees of the school; or
  • causes an official or volunteer agency organized to deal with emergencies to take action due to the risk to the school or general public.
  1. Offenses:
  • A violation of 5.7.1, 5.7.2,, above is a class A Misdemeanor
  • A violation of above is a class B Misdemeanor,
  • A violation of above is a class C Misdemeanor.
  1. It is not defense that the individual did not attempt to carry out or was incapable of carrying out the threat.
  2. A violation of this section shall be reported to the law enforcement agency. If the individual alleged to have violated this section is a minor, the minor may be referred to juvenile court. (See, Utah Code §76-5-107.1).

Grounds for Suspension

In accordance with federal and state law, Canyons School District (CSD) defines standards and procedures for working with students who cause disruption and/or engage in conduct which is a serious violation (See, §53G-8-205) and poses an immediate threat to the safety and welfare of other students or other school personnel, in the classroom, on school property, in connection with school-sponsored related activities or events, or while traveling in school-funded or school vehicles (e.g., buses).

Student Dress Code Standards

  1. Students shall dress in a manner suitable to the day’s activities consistent with the standards of health, safety, and acceptable behavior.
  2. Student clothing and accessories must not present a health or safety hazard or distraction, which would disrupt the educational mission. Disruption is defined as reactions by other individuals to the clothing or adornment, which causes the teacher/administrator to lose the attention of students, to modify or cease instructional activities, or deal with student confrontations or complaints.
  3. Clothing:  (See, figure)
  • Must cover the body as outlined in the figure with a fabric that is not see through, with no viewable undergarments (waistbands and bra straps excluded).
  • Shall be free from writing, images or symbols that:
    • are lewd, vulgar, profane, obscene, violent, or sexually suggestive.
    • advocate, represent, or promote racism, discrimination, violence or hate in any form.
    • Signifies or depicts gangs or illegal or criminal activities.
      • School officials will determine what constitutes “gang” clothing, colors, and paraphernalia after consultation with law enforcement agencies as needed.
  1. The student dress code standards include, but are not limited to the following:
  • All students shall wear clean clothing.
  • Shoes shall be worn at all times to ensure personal safety and hygiene.
  • Items that disrupt the educational mission shall not be allowed.
  • Clothing that may draw undue attention, disrupt, or pose a health or safety issue, or interfere with the learning atmosphere, shall not be allowed.
  • Items which bear advertising, promotions and likeness of tobacco, e-cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs or which are contrary to the educational mission, shall not be allowed.
  • Personal items such as clothing, paraphernalia, jewelry, backpacks, gym bags, water bottles, etc., shall be free of writing, pictures, or any other insignias, which are crude, vulgar, profane, violent, or sexually suggestive.
  • Students shall comply with the laws that govern wearing military uniforms and insignias (Title 10) USC § 771-772, and Army Regulations 670 1 §29-4.
  1. Accommodations must be made for students whose religious beliefs are substantially affected by dress code requirements.
  2. School officials may require students to wear certain types of clothing for health and safety reasons in connection with certain specialized activities.
  3. Students who violate dress code provisions may be subject to student discipline and due process procedures must be followed.

Student Conduct on the School Bus

Disruptive behavior and conduct occurring while traveling in school-funded vehicles (e.g., buses) should be treated as disruptive behavior and conduct on school property. Decisions regarding student transportation privileges are delegated to the school administration or the District Case Management Team as warranted.

  • Riding a school bus is a privilege conditioned upon compliance with appropriate school conduct, unless riding a school bus is part of a student’s special education individualized education plan (IEP).
  • Student transportation decisions must comply with federal and state law, and associated rules and regulations for special education students and/or student transportation.

Administrative Regulation – 500.02-12 (Definitions)

For the purposes of this policy the following definitions apply.

  1. “Abusive Conduct” means verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a parent or student directed toward a school employee that, based on its severity, nature, and frequency of occurrence, a reasonable person would determine is intended to cause intimidation, humiliation, or unwarranted distress.
  2. A single act does not constitute abusive conduct.
  3. “Bullying” means a school employee or student intentionally committing a written, verbal, or physical act against a school employee or student that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know or reasonably foresee will have the effect of:
  1. causing physical or emotional harm to the school employee or student;
  2. causing damage to the school employee’s or student’s property;
  3. placing the school employee or student in reasonable fear of:
    1. harm to the school employee’s or student’s physical or emotional well-being; or
    2. damage to the school employee’s or student’s property;
  4. creating a hostile, threatening, humiliating, or abusive educational environment due to:
    1. the pervasiveness, persistence, or severity of the actions; or
    2. a power differential between the bully and the target; or
    3. substantially interfering with a student having a safe school environment that is necessary to facilitate educational performance, opportunities, or benefits.
  1. “Cyberbullying” means using the Internet, a cell phone, or another device to send or post text, video, or an image with the intent or knowledge, or with reckless disregard, that the text, video, or image will hurt, embarrass, or threaten an individual, regardless of whether the individual directed, consented to, or acquiesced in the conduct, or voluntarily accessed the electronic communication.
  2. “Distribution” of illegal substances means the actual, constructive, or attempted sale, transfer, delivery, or dispensing to another of an imitation controlled substance or controlled substance.
  3. “Electronic cigarette”: means (1) an electronic device used to deliver or capable of delivering vapor containing nicotine or another substance to an individual’s respiratory system; (2) a component of a device as described in (1); or an accessory sold in the same package as the device as described in (1).
  4. “Electronic cigarette”: includes an e-cigarette as that term is defined in Utah Code 26-38-2.
  5. “Electronic cigarette product”: means an electronic cigarette, and electronic cigarette substance, or a pre-filled electronic cigarette.
  6. “Electronic cigarette substance”: means any substance, including liquid containing nicotine, used or intended for use in an electronic cigarette.
  7. “Emergency safety intervention” means the use of seclusionary time out or physical restraint when a student presents an immediate danger to self or others and the intervention is not for disciplinary purposes.
  8. “Hazing” means a school employee or student intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly committing an act or causing another individual to commit and act toward a school employee that:
  9. endangers the physical health or safety of a school employee or student
  10. involves any brutality of a physical nature, including whipping, beating, branding, calisthenics, bruising, electric shocking, placing of a harmful substance on the body, or exposure to the elements;
  11. involves consumption of any food, alcoholic product, drug, or other substance; or other physical activity that engenders the physical health and safety of a school employee or student; or
  12. involves activity that would subject a school employee or student to extreme mental stress, such as sleep deprivation, extended isolation from social contact, or conduct that subjects a school employee or student to extreme embarrassment, shame, or humiliation; and
  13. is committed for the purpose of initiation into, admission into, affiliation with, holding office in, or as a condition for, membership or acceptance, or continued membership or acceptance, in any school or school sponsored team, organization, program, club or event; or
  14. is directed toward a school employee or student whom the individual who commits the act knows, at the time the act is committed, is a member of, or candidate for membership in, a school or school sponsored team, organization, program, club, or event in which the individual who commits the act also participates.
  15. The conduct in, constitutes hazing, regardless of whether the school employee or student against whom the conduct is committed, directed, consented to, or acquiesced in, the conduct.
  16. “Immediate danger” means the imminent danger of physical violence or aggression towards self or others which is likely to cause serious physical harm.
  17. “Physical restraint” means personal restriction that immobilizes or reduces the ability of an individual to move the individual’s arms, legs, body, or head freely.
  18. “Possession” or “use” of illegal substances means the joint or individual ownership, control, occupancy, holding, retaining, belonging, maintaining, or the application, inhalation, swallowing, injection, or consumption, as distinguished from distribution, of controlled substances and includes individual, joint, or group possession or use of controlled substances. For a person to be a possessor or user of a controlled substance, it is not required that the person be shown to have individually possessed, used, or controlled the substance, but it is sufficient if it is shown that the person jointly participated with one or more persons in the use, possession, or control of any substances with knowledge that the activity was occurring, or the controlled substance is found in a place or under circumstances indicating that the person had the ability and the intent to exercise dominion and control over it. See, Utah Code §58-37-2 (ii).
  19. “Reasonable suspicion” means a particularized and objective basis, supported by specific articulable facts, for suspecting a person of violating law or policy.
  20. “Retaliate” means an act or communication intended as retribution against a person for reporting bullying, hazing, harassment, or cyberbullying, or to improperly influence the investigation of, or the response to, a report of bullying or hazing.
  21. “School employee” means school teachers, school staff, school administrators, and all others employed directly or indirectly, by the school, school board, or school district.

17, “School district location” means in any school building or on any school premises; on any school-owned vehicle or in any other school-approved vehicles used to transport students to and from school or school activities; off school property at any school-sponsored or school-approved activity, event or function, such as a field trip or athletic event, where students are under the jurisdiction of the school district.

  1. “Weapon” means a firearm; or an object that in the manner of its use is capable of causing death or serious bodily injury, except that such term does not include a pocket knife with a blade of less than 2 1/2 inches in length. The following factors are used in determining whether any object, other than a firearm, is a dangerous weapon:
  2. the location and circumstances in which the object was used or possessed;
  3. the primary purpose for which the object was made;
  4. the character of the wound, if any, produced by the object’s unlawful use;
  5. the manner in which the object was unlawfully used;
  6. whether the manner in which the object is used or possessed constitutes a potential imminent threat to public safety; and
  7. the lawful purposes for which the object may be used.
  8. Illegal Substance Violations
  9. Possession, use, or distribution of prohibited illegal substances is an illegal substance violation under this policy.
  10. Illegal substance violation procedures may consider violations occurring within the past 12 months to guide needed interventions.
  11. Prohibited Medications
  12. Medication in excess of a 12-hour dosage at school or appropriate amount for an event.
  13. Prescription medications in excess of a recommended twelve (12) hour dosage.
  14. Over-the-counter medications in excess of a recommended twelve (12) hour dosage.
  15. Sharing of over the counter or prescription drugs is a violation of this policy.
  16. Violation of medication dosage amounts are to be handled by the school administrative team in consultation with the parent/legal guardian.
  17. Distribution of prescription drugs is considered an illegal substance violation.

Academic/Behavioral Consequences

After School Detention (ASD)

After School Detention (ASD) is assigned for a variety of reasons and is assigned either the day the violation occurs or the next day.  ASD begins at 3:10 and ends at 4:00 p.m. It is held in a classroom and supervised by an adult assistant.  Students are expected to cooperate and act in a respectful manner.  They are not allowed to talk, visit, play games, talk on cell phones, or do anything else that would be disruptive in nature. They are expected to work quietly on their homework or to read silently. Students who choose to violate the norms of ASD will be given additional consequences.

In-School Suspension (ISS)

In-School Suspension (ISS), like ASD, is assigned for a variety of reasons. Students who are assigned ISS are isolated from the rest of the student population. They will not be in the hall during normal passing times. They will turn in their cell phones or other electronic items to the adult in charge. These items will be returned at the end of the day. Students will work on assignments given to them by their teachers, the administration, or the adult supervisor. They will not visit, play, or sleep.  Students in ISS will either have a lunch they bring from home at the beginning of the day or purchase lunch from the cafeteria. They will eat lunch at their desk/carrel.

Lunch Detention (LD)

Similarly, to the two consequences discussed above, students are assigned lunch detention for a number of reasons.  Students who are assigned lunch detention will sit at the designated table closest to the entrance to the cafeteria.  Students are not allowed to use electronic devices or have friends sit with them during this time.  Students in lunch detention will help clean the cafeteria tables the last 5 minutes of lunch.  The hall monitor or administrator will supervise them.  If they do not attend LD (or get a signature from a teacher, if required), they will have additional consequences.

Building Access and Safety

Emergency Drills

Emergency drills are required at regular intervals.  Shelter-in-place, lockdown, fire, and earthquake drills will be used to educate our students and staff how to respond to these possible situations.  Whenever the school is evacuated, students and teachers will follow Incident Command procedures.  In the event that the school property is not safe for reunification with parents, students will be escorted to Sprucewood Elementary for reunification purposes.  Notifications will be sent out to direct parents during an actual emergency.

Bus Transportation

According to state regulations and Canyons School District policy, sixth graders qualify for bus transportation if they live 1 ½ or more miles from the school.  Seventh and eighth graders do NOT qualify for bus transportation unless they live 2 or more miles from the school.  The District Transportation Office has carefully surveyed the area.  This survey is the basis for identifying students who may ride a bus to school. Students who do not qualify to ride the bus will not be allowed to do so unless they have applied for and received district-issued space-available passes.

Safe Walking Routes

Parents are encouraged to select the safest, most logical route between school and home.  Students are expected to respect private property and to take reasonable care to ensure their own safety going to and from sch