IHMS SCC Draft Agenda
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Voting Members: Karlie Aardema, Annette Alley, Katie Atkinson, Peter Baxter, Jason Dyer, Navina Forsythe, Doug Graham, Alan Layton, Michael Mayall, Roxann Wolfe
Non-voting Members
Alternates: Merinda Cutler and Mindy Cupello
PTSA President – Lisa Kendrick
Welcome and approval of minutes – Katie Atkinson, Chair – Navina moved to approve. Doug seconded the motion.
- Josh Downs visit and pending assembly
- He came to the school and talked to our WEB leaders and then came to our faculty meeting and introduced himself. He is a former teacher.
- If you have time, we would love to have SCC members come see the presentation.
- TSSP and LAND Trust Plans – proposed goals
- Doug shared his screen and went over the proposed goals that the departments (ELA, science, and math) have come up with and asked for questions or comments. The finalized plan is due April 17th.
- Navina asked about multilingual student indicator in the ELA goal and math and science didn’t have that addressed. The Reading Inventory addresses some of those skills. Math and Science don’t have a measurement like that.
- We are going to have a lot of money to spend and we want to be intentional about how we spend it.
- We may have to use some of this funding for a half a teacher, if not a whole teacher. We were allocated 41 FTE for next year, which is the same as we have this year, but we used ESSR funding for one of those positions. (math lab teacher and half of a counselor)
- Doug shared his screen and went over the proposed goals that the departments (ELA, science, and math) have come up with and asked for questions or comments. The finalized plan is due April 17th.
- Final Reports – TSSP/Land Trust
- Doug went over our final reports from last year.
- Katie asked about EWS and what that involves so Doug showed the different categories that go into that. She also asked about what supports we have in place for students who are “at risk” for early warning.
- We have our intervention support mentor and he has a case load of students that he works with. Our SEL people also have students to check in with and groups that they do.
- Doug went over our final reports from last year.
- Merinda asked about considering training for parents to be interventions for their students. We have offered classes for parents at PTC nights and the attendance has not been as much as we would like. What do we do for parents that don’t speak English? Doug mentioned parent square and sending out videos and instructions in their native language.
- Student Center Update – Roxann Wolfe
- Counselors sent out survey results. This is how they plan their program and how to support our stakeholders.
- PTSA Update – Lisa Kendrick
- Next week is our meeting. We are still looking for a secretary.
- We are also doing Red Ribbon Week. They will be encouraged to do activities at home as well.
- Other items not listed
- Navina asked about the school grade and how that applies to our TSI. Those 2 are not related. We still are focusing on the sub group that was identified for us.
- April 11th will be in person.
- Adjournment
- Karlie moved to adjourn. Alan seconded.