Indian Hills Middle School Community Council
Agenda: April 9, 2024
4:00 p.m. – Warrior room
Voting Members: Shelly Karren, Katie Atkinson, Karlie Aardema, Mindy Cupello, Alan Layton, Merinda Cutler
Non-voting Members: None attended
Agenda for April 9th, 2024
- Welcome & Approve March Minutes
- Alan moved to approve, Mindy seconded.
- Student Center/Counseling Update
- Counselors were not present at the meeting.
- Shelly updated that our wellness staff is working on a wellness room for next year.
- This is for students who need a break during the school day.
- They go in and set a timer and have a goal for their time in there.
- Mindy mentioned having parents volunteer to supervise the wellness room.
- They are also working on completing our master schedule for next year.
- PTSA Updates
- PTSA was also not at our meeting.
- We have a dress up day tomorrow.
- Land Trust/TSSP: Final Approval of Plan
- Shelly went over the summary again and answered questions about our allocation of money.
- SCC members were on board with our land trust/tssp plans for the 24-25.
Karlie moved to adjourn, Katie seconded.
Next meeting: May 7th , 4:00 p.m.