Indian Hills Middle School Community Council
Agenda: May 7, 2024
4:00 p.m. – Warrior room
Voting Members: Katie Atkinson, Shelly Karren, Alan Layton, Susan Leete, Karlie Aardema, Merinda Cutler, Mindy Cupello, Jason Dyer
Non-voting Members: Lisa Kendrick (PTSA president), Rochelle Griffin
Agenda for May 7th
• Welcome & Approve April Minutes
• Alan moved to approve. Mindy seconded
• SCC Member Intent to Return & Chairperson for 2024-25
• Mindy and Merinda is staying another year on SCC. Rochelle is going to take the place of one of our members.
• Merinda motioned to accept Rochelle in as a member of our SCC. Mindy seconded. All approved. Rochelle said she is happy to help where needed, including serving as the chairperson.
• Merinda moved to assign Rochelle as our chairperson. Mindy seconded. All approved.
• Student Center/Counseling Update
• Susie said thank you to the community for welcoming her to the staff.
• Wellness room – we are getting that up and running for next year. It will be an opportunity for students to self regulate when needed.
• Mindy asked about parent volunteers in the wellness room. Shelly said that is to be determined.
• Schedules will be released 1 week before school. We will not be doing elective changes if they received electives in their top 5 choices. We only make team changes to accommodate IEP/504 needs.
• Roxann Wolfe is retiring. We will miss her. We are excited to welcome Rebecca Van De Graaf.
• We have been taking games outside every Friday at lunches and it has been fun to interact with the students.
• PTSA Updates
• This week is Teacher Appreciation Week so we have been busy every day.
• Our big focus this next couple of weeks is the Memory Books (distribution, signing, etc)
• May 22nd – spirit day with activities outside
• Land Trust Updates
• We got an update from Special Education and needed to make some changes to our funding. We were cut by .25 FTE. Shelly highlighted the changes that we needed to make to our Land Trust funding.
• Jason asked about how the cut in math workbooks funding would affect the amount of workbooks we will have. Shelly explained that we will still have the same amount. We are just using different accounts to pay for the things that we had to cut from the Land Trust budget.
• Rochelle asked about IXL and wanted to make sure that we are not taking it away from teachers who are using it.
• Rochelle moved to approve the updated Landtrust plan. Alan seconded it. All approved.
• Merinda asked about why we had a cut in SPED FTE. Shelly explained that it is because we had a slight drop in Special Education students. Our enrollment is staying about the same.
• School updates: Year-end activities, school disclosure & cell phone policy, wellness room
• Shelly has already sent out the end of year calendar so look for that on Parent Square.
• We are doing a recognition assembly, which is new this year.
• Shelly shared a copy of the school wide disclosure that our Building Leadership Team has come up with this year.
• Katie suggested adding no chromebooks in the lunchroom to the chromebook section.
• Alan suggested clarifying the hall pass section under attendance.
• Merinda suggested putting something on parent square, maybe under the skyward and canvas section.
• Katie suggested adding hats to the dress code section that we allow.
• Lisa suggested sending the disclosure with the mailers that we send home each summer so they all have a copy.
• Alan moved to adjourn. Merinda seconded
Next meeting: September (3rd or 10th), 2024