Indian Hills Middle School School Community Council
March 15, 2022 4pm
- Doug Graham
- Karlie Aardema
- Roxann Wolfe
- Angela Vosti
- Tess Hortin
- Katie Atkinson
- Peter Baxter
- Jill Coil
- Jason Dyer
- Navina Forsythe
- Teneil Hansen (PTSA President, non-voting)
- Mindy Cupello
- Emily Davidson (non-voting)
Welcome and Meeting Minutes Approval — Tess Hortin
- Jason moved to approve, Peter seconded
TSSP and Land Trust Plan for 2022-2023 school year—Doug Graham
- Receiving money and left over from last year.
- FTE is down – our enrollment is declining and as a result our allocated number of teachers is declining as well.
- Doug went over our goals and action plans of our TSSP
- A lot of actions involve helping teachers perfect their craft such as PD, IPLCs, and book studies
- Teacher mini grants have been popular – PTSA grants can be for anything classroom related whereas TSSP grants have to be tied to our TSSP goals and can be up to $1000
- Doug emphasized that we would like to continue to fund STEM after school classes taught by Mr. Evensen and Mr. Jones. Katie asked about how many students are in those classes. It is about 60 students. Peter said that his son loves the STEM class and has had a positive experience.
- For math, the big cost is the workbooks and the math lab sections.
- PBIS goal – we don’t have the same costs for PBIS rewards, but we will continue it. We have money built in to recognize students for various things. Tess asked if PBIS rewards was having the effect we wanted in lowering office discipline referrals.
- Continue to communicate with parents about stores and what is available
- Around 305k after inputting in all of our expenses.
- Still have $3000 towards anti-vaping campaign
- Doug will send out a notice for members to sign when finalized
Positive Behavior Plan—Doug Graham
Update on decreasing enrolment and school program impact
Counseling Center – Roxann Wolfe
- Thank you for the calming kits. They are together and will be going out to 6th grade teachers soon.
- Alta High’s wellness night on March 30th at 6pm
PTSA – Teneil Hansen
- Working on memory books
- PTSA was in today and tomorrow to have the students write notes to teachers. They will give those out on Thursday with chocolate nuggets.
- Citizen of the Month is tomorrow
- Navina moved to adjourn, Jason seconded