Indian Hills Middle School Community Council
Voting Members: Karlie Aardema, Annette Alley, Katie Atkinson, Peter Baxter, Jason Dyer, Navina Forsythe, Doug Graham, Alan Layton, Michael Mayall, Roxann Wolfe
Non-voting Members
Alternates: Merinda Cutler and Mindy Cupello
PTSA President – Lisa Kendrick
Meeting Date: September 6, 2022
Recurring Zoom Link:
Draft Agenda:
- Elect Chair and Vice Chair
- Establish rules of order and procedure
- Set meeting dates for year
- Review requirements for SCC open meeting requirements
- Review Bylaws (if applicable) and/or Rules of Order & Procedure
- Membership rosters due to District office as soon as established
- By Oct. 20th (or before), principal and SCC Chair assure that the following is posted on the school website:
- proposed meeting schedule for year
- names of council members and contact info
- dollar amount distribution your school is expected to receive in this school year