Indian Hills Middle School Community Council September 2022 Meeting
Voting Members: Karlie Aardema, Annette Alley, Katie Atkinson, Peter Baxter, Jason Dyer, Navina Forsythe, Doug Graham, Alan Layton, Michael Mayall, Roxann Wolfe
Non-voting Members
Alternates: Merinda Cutler and Mindy Cupello
PTSA President – Lisa Kendrick
Non voting attendees: Sherry, Amourette Bradley
Meeting Date: September 6, 2022
Recurring Zoom Link:
Meeting Minutes:
- Elect Chair and Vice Chair
- Katie was nominated at our meeting at the end of last year
- Doug moved that we nominate Katie as our chair. Peter and Jason both seconded.
- All voted in favor.
- We did nominate Navina for vice chair at our meeting last year. Jason seconded.
- All voted in favor.
- Karlie was nominated for secretary. Navina seconded.
- All voted in favor.
- Establish rules of order and procedure
- Set meeting dates for year
- First Tuesday of the month still works for everyone and 4pm time works as well.
- Review requirements for SCC open meeting requirements
- Review Bylaws (if applicable) and/or Rules of Order & Procedure
- We talked about attendance and attendance requirements
- Membership rosters due to District office as soon as established
- Mr. Graham will get this to the district office
- By Oct. 20th (or before), principal and SCC Chair assure that the following is posted on the school website:
- proposed meeting schedule for year
- names of council members and contact info
- dollar amount distribution your school is expected to receive in this school year
- Amourette asked about the timeline for the SEL curriculum
- Doug talked about feedback he has received from the stakeholders
- We would like it to be fully vetted by parents so that when we are ready to roll it out, we can move forward instead of having to roll it out and then pull back on some things.
- Doug talked about feedback he has received from the stakeholders
- Katie reminded everyone about the required trainings as SCC members.
- Spirit day on Monday and first meeting
- We are 100 members shy of our goal
- Student Center:
- A huge thank you to all the students and families who carefully ranked their TOP 5 electives – as this informs administration on which classes to offer and how many. Thank you to SCC for your support and input on this process, so that we can continue building a functional master schedule while offering classes that our students want to take.
- Community Club – every other Thursday, after school in the cafeteria (3-4 pm) – specific activities will be listed in PTSA newsletter and announcements, so watch for more info!
- 9/15/22: Circle Games
- 9/29/22: 4-Square
- 10/13/22: Spaghetti/marshmallow building challenge + Marshmallow/spoon race
- 10/27/22: Make slime
- 11/10/22: Dance Party
- Formal USBE Counseling Program Review will be 2023-2024 school year. In preparation we’ll be giving the required Needs Assessment surveys to parents, students, and teachers later this Fall.
- UPOG – Our theme for this year is focused around USBE’s Portrait of a Graduate. Teams will be reviewing and providing short topics around each monthly theme (also included in the PTSA newsletter and on our Student Center calendar online).
- CFC – Canyons Family Center classes are starting soon – Classes are offered Tuesday/Wednesday evenings. Check out their website for class info, how to sign up, and contact info:
- Katie reminded us about the Parent Night being held at Alta
- Jason moved to adjourn this meeting. Doug seconded
- All voted in favor