1180 E Sanders Rd, Sandy, Utah 84094

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IHMS Debate Students

The students in Mr. Puslifer’s Debate program have proven to be very successful again!  The Warriors who competed represented Indian Hills Middle School incredibly well!  We are so proud of these students for their hard work and determination!

The student who earned the Varsity Policy Speaker Award is:

  • Sophie Smith

Students who ranked in Varsity Policy, include:

  • Kai McMullin & Porter LeBaron

Student who earned the Novice Policy Speaker Award include:

  • Molly Jonson
  • Tessa Christensen
  • Mason Clark
  • Evan Eyink
  • Steven Squire

Student who ranked in Novice Policy, include:

  • Sophie Foster & Kamree Nelson
  • Tyler Robbins & Max Nelson
  • Ollie Collings & Calvin Kremser
  • Thomas Bryner & Steven Squire
  • Tessa Christensen & Molly Johnson

Students who ranked in Varsity Extemp, include:

  • Mady Mraz
  • Tenaya Bonderer
  • Gavin Nelson

The student who earned a ranking in Varsity Original Oratory is:

  • Shelby Betenson (pictured in the center of the picture below)