We are proud to announce Mr. Gage Pulsifer as the 2020-2021 Teacher of the Year for Indian Hills Middle School.
After his first year of teaching as a traditional English Language Arts teacher, Gage found his calling as an elective teacher for creative writing and debate–two areas in which this incredible teacher excels. His passion and creativity for these subjects is obvious, and he has been a teacher who truly employs a student-centered focus in every lesson that is taught and every personal project that is created throughout the year. In this, his 5th year at Indian Hills, Mr. Pulsifer can boast of a program that is splitting at the seams in popularity with students, and our students’ continued success at district competitions in debate is an unquestionable representation of his growing legacy.
Here is what some of his outstanding students have to say:
“I think he should be the teacher of the year because he influences everyone for the better…I look forward to going to his class every morning . He has really helped me to look at things in a more positive way, and he has helped me to be a better writer and a better person.”
“He makes sure we are ok, not only with school, but emotionally.”
“Most teachers cannot keep a classroom engaged for longer than 20 minutes. Mr. Pulsifer keeps us all engaged and focused, whether we see it or not.”
“He has made one of the most scariest tings, speaking in front of people, fun … It’s been the period I’ve been looking forward to all day. He is just that one really positive teacher.”

Parents have also taken note of his impact on their students:
“He is kind, knows his subject matter, communicates well with students and parents, and wants his students to succeed! I sat in on an office Zoom call last spring just to see what would be said. Mr. Pulsifer was so positive and very helpful with any of our son’s questions. He is a genuinely nice person and deserves teacher of the year.”
“He has gone above and beyond teaching his own classes as well as coaching the Debate Team. He has inspired my daughter to become a teacher herself! She is so excited to learn every day. He has encouraged her to think about other people’s perspectives though his lessons in Debate. He has helped her realize what an incredible influence you can be in other’s lives by sharing your talent to teach. He has shown her through his example that one person CAN BE the difference.”
Not only is Mr. Pulsifer a positive force within his classroom, but he has a positive impact throughout the school. Gage brings his creativity and passion for students in his capacity as one of our outstanding WEB leaders. WEB, or Where Everyone Belongs, is a program to connect our 6th grade students with an 8th grade mentor by engaging the students in supportive conversations and activities throughout the year. When IHMS was looking to revive this program, Mr. Pulsifer became a natural choice as a teacher who would fit the leadership needs for this program. Our WEB program continues to grow and evolve as a result of our teacher leaders fulfilling the needs of our students.
We are proud of his accomplishments and are pleased that others have seen the value he brings to the school and the lives of our students!