1180 E Sanders Rd, Sandy, Utah 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked MIddle School Badge

WEB Orientation August 16th

Hello Future Warriors! We are so excited to see you at 6th grade orientation on August 16th! Your WEB leaders have been working hard this summer to get ready for you. We bet you have some questions about orientation day, so here is what you can expect…

You will arrive on the North side of the building between 8 and 8:15 am. There you will be greeted by some of our awesome WEB leaders! They will guide you through the 6th grade doors, where you will enter the building for school every morning! Our WEB leaders will help you find your name tag for the day. When you have your name tag, you will continue to the KIVA, where you will meet WEB leaders ready to help find a seat and make some new friends.

Once most of our 6th graders have arrived, we will begin our assembly! You will have a fun time cheering, laughing, and learning more about our school. At the end of the assembly our WEB leaders will direct you to the gym, where they will help you find a seat on the lines on the floor. WEB teachers will lead you through some fun activities!

Next, it will be time to find your WEB group! You will look down at your nametag to find your WEB group number. You will be invited to line up behind your WEB leader. Group by group, you will follow your WEB leader into the school.

Inside the school, you will be led to a classroom with your WEB group (you and up to 10 other students). Then, your WEB leader will lead you in some important activities to help you learn more about your WEB group and Indian Hills Middle School. When finished, you will be taken on a tour of the school. This is when you can get out your class schedule and your WEB leader will point out the classrooms of the teachers you have! You will then return to the classroom you were in before where you can ask your WEB leader any questions you have about Indian Hills.

Your WEB Leader will lead you to the KIVA for our short closing assembly. Finally, you will have a few minutes to practice opening your locker! Make sure to bring your printed class schedule and your locker combination! The office will be unable to print your schedule for you on orientation day. At noon, we will invite you to walk to the front of the school to find your bus, your ride, or to walk home!

We are so excited to see you and help you get ready to become an Indian Hills Warrior!

A message to our parents of 6th graders:

We understand the angst that comes with starting middle school for both parents and students and this day is a great way for students to have a trial run of 6th grade before the school year starts. To help us in this endeavor please allow your students the chance to enter the building on their own and be independent. We will have a ton of our WEB leaders and teachers on hand to help students who are feeling overwhelmed and need a friend to help them. Also, we ask that you help your children be ready for middle school by explaining to them that they don’t need to have their phones out during our WEB day to help them practice for what the school year will be like. Thanks for your help parents!

Check our FAQs page if you have any questions that were not addressed: 


Or contact any of the WEB Coordinators: 

Mrs. Hamilton (aarica.hamilton@canyonsdistrict.org)

Mrs. Butcher (kerry.butcher@canyonsdistrict.org

Mr. Pulsifer (gage.pulsifer@canyonsdistrict.org

We appreciate your help in making sure your kids are prepared and excited for an awesome orientation day. We, as the WEB coordinators, WEB crew and IHMS staff, can’t wait to see everyone on Friday the 16th!