April 22, 2024
Dear Indian Hills Middle School Community:
We are excited to share a story that KSL did this past week to highlight one of our
teachers, Ms. Shaw, and the Olympic Unit that our 7th grade social studies teach each
year. On this particular day, Ms. Shaw’s 7th grade students participated in a lesson
focusing on some of the memorabilia during the Games and how many of these items
reflected the history and culture of Utah.
Thanks to our students in Ms. Shaw’s 1st period class for their participation in this
story and to many of our teachers who do equally amazing things with their students
throughout the school year!

KSL Article: https://www.ksl.com/article/50982852/utah-teacher-inspires-students-withher-

✔ Calendaring for April & May 2024: As we approach the final stretch of the school
year, please take note of weekly updates to our calendar in our newsletter. The last
two weeks of school will be filled with performances, activities, assemblies, memory
books, and more! See the calendar below for all the dates and details.
✔ RISE Testing begins this week on April 25th!: A reminder that testing season is
on the horizon for our students. This is a time when students can showcase their
learning in ELA, reading, language, science, and math. These tests help us to
determine how well our students have mastered this content, and it also helps us to
know where to improve our instruction in the classroom. This information also
provides a useful measure in terms of how our students are performing relative to
other students in our district and throughout the state. The testing schedule is
included below in the calendaring section. Students will take tests during their core
classes. Please contact the Main Office at 801-826-7100 for any questions about RISE
testing. Thank you!
✔ Canyons 5K Event! It’s time for Jedis, Mandalorians, and droids to come together
for a day of fun in the sun — and a good cause. This year, the Canyons Education
Foundation’s annual Fun Run will be held on the biggest Star Wars day of them all,
Saturday, May 4. That’s right, “May the 4th be with you” and all those who choose to
participate in the 5k run benefitting CSD’s Unified Sports program. There is also a
one-mile option. To register for this year’s Fun Run, click here. Read more at
✔ Digital Literacy for April: When everything claims to be educational, it can be
difficult to determine which media content is appropriate for your kids. We know that
reviewing everything on your own can be a very time-consuming and frustrating
process. Common Sense Media publishes reviews on movies, TV shows, books, games,
and apps to help families make educated decisions on content curation. They even
have a Star Wars Age-by-Age guide.to help you introduce your favorite characters in
an age-appropriate manner. Families can access 3 free reviews monthly without
creating an account. Consider including your children in the decision-making process
and let them pitch why they feel the movie, show, game, or app is a good use of their
• April 25th
o District Debate Tournament
• April 25th-26th
o Writing RISE Testing for 8th grade students
• April 29th-May 2nd
o ELA RISE Testing
• May 7th
o Dance 2 Concert 6:30 p.m. in the Kiva
• May 7th-9th
o Science RISE Testing
• May 9th
o State Middle school Debate Tournament
• May 10th
o Last Day to check out books from the library
• May 13th-16th
o Math RISE Testing
• May 14th
o Dance Company & Dance 1 Concert 6:30 p.m. in the Kiva
• May 15
o Beginning Choir (5:30 p.m.) & Concert Choir (6:30 p.m.)
• May 16
o Orchestra Concert 6:30 p.m. in the Kiva
• May 17th
o All Library books are due to the library
• May 20th & 21st
o Chromebook Check-in (details forthcoming)
• May 20th-23rd
o Make up RISE testing
• May 22nd & 23rd
o Schoolwide assemblies (details forthcoming)
• May 23rd
o Percussion (6:00 p.m.) & Band Concerts (7:00 p.m.)
• May 24th:
o Memory Book Day (details forthcoming)
• May 28th
o Lagoon Day for 8th graders!
• May 29th
o Last Day of School for 6th grade students (full day)
• May 30th
o Last Day of School for 7th & 8th grade students (half day)
We are better together at Indian Hills Middle School!
Indian Hills Middle School Administration
Warrior Support
What it looks like for Students:
- ● Students MUST arrive between3:00-3:15 in order to participate inWarrior Support.
- ● Students sit at the front of the library at the tables.
- ● Students scan a QR code that takes them to a Google Form they fill out.
- ● Students ask the teachers questions and work on homework quietly.
- ● If teachers are not immediately available, students work on what they can while waiting patiently for help.
- ● Only students who need help stay for Warrior Support. Students who do not need the support will head home after 3:30.
- ● Students who are not following expectations for library behavior will be invited to return another day for help.
- ● Students should submit the Google Form at the END of the time they spend in the library to report what they accomplished with the time.
- ● Students must exit the library through the doors to the outside, not back into the building.
What it looks like for Teachers:
- ● Teachers come to the library immediately after 7th period.
- ● Teachers help students with the QR code to sign into the Google Form.
- ● Teachers circulate among students, offering help.
- ● Teachers invite students who are not following expectations to leave and try again another day.
- ● Teachers ensure that every students who is in the library after 3:30 is here for Warrior Support.
- ● Library doors will be locked at 3:30when Miss McGowan leaves. After this, teachers ensure that students in the library are here for Warrior Support only.
- ● Teachers have students submit the form to report what they accomplished during the Warrior Support time. Then students exit through the outside door (not into the hallways), tidy up the library, and turn off the lights before leaving.
Warrior Support Time is …
Homework time ⚫ Help Time ⚫ Study Time ⚫ Quiet time
Warrior Support Time is not …
Friend Time ⚫ Goof Off Time ⚫ Hang Out Time
Warrior Support
Tuesdays – Thursdays ⚫ 3:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.
Purpose: To give students extra support from a teacher to help with homework or concepts not understood during class time.