April 29, 2024
Dear Indian Hills Middle School Community:
This past week, I had several interactions with students that made me smile. After
school, one 7th grade student said she had never yet been chosen as the ‘Warrior of the
Day’ even though she’s always on time and working hard in class. I thanked her for
her efforts and said to stop by my office to get a small reward.
Another student, a 6th grader, proclaimed that I was doing a great job as a principal, to
keep up the good work and could I be sure to keep being nice? I smiled and said that
I would always try to be kind.
Later on, I talked with another student who felt good about having a fresh start after
making a mistake where he promised to do better. I have seen many of our students
work through difficult situations this year, and I am proud when they choose to
change. We have students doing great things at our school, and I am grateful to have
witnessed so much of that growth throughout the school year!

✔ Calendaring for May 2024: As we approach the final stretch of the school year,
please take note of updates to our calendar in our newsletter. The last few weeks of
school will be filled with performances, activities, assemblies, memory books, and
more! See the calendar below for all the dates and details.
✔ Spirit Day on Friday, May 3rd: Please note that the last PTSA Dress-up day will be
Friday, May 3rd. It’s a Star Wars dress-up day, just in time for “May the fourth be with
✔ RISE Testing continues this week with ELA: A reminder that testing season is
here for our students. This is a time when students can showcase their learning in
ELA, reading, language, science, and math. These tests help us to determine how well
our students have mastered this content, and it also helps us to know where to
improve our instruction in the classroom. This information also provides a useful
measure in terms of how our students are performing relative to other students in our
district and throughout the state. The testing schedule is included below in the
calendar. Students will take all tests during their core classes. Please contact the
Main Office at 801-826-7100 for any questions about RISE testing. Thank you!
✔ Digital Literacy for May: The American Academy of Pediatrics (2016) suggests that
parents “develop personalized media use plans for their children that attend to each
child’s age, health, temperament, and developmental stage.” Does your family have
such a plan? To give you some suggestions on how to formulate and communicate
that plan, please see the information on Canyons School District’s website:
✔ May Library Events: Book Club
Our last book club will take place on Tuesday, April 30th during the students’
lunches. Students have been reading The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn
Barnes. As a culmination of all of their reading this year, students in book club will
be treated to a pizza/salad/root beer float lunch and will be holding a discussion
based on the book. We look forward to this fun event!
Important Library Dates
There are several important library dates students will need to remember:
• May 10th – Last day students can check out books
• May 16th – Last day of Warrior Support
• May 17th – ALL library books are due
• May 20th – Library closes.
No students will be allowed in the library before school, during lunch, or after school
the week of May 20th due to Chromebook collection. Students and parent/guardians of
students who have overdue library books should have received an email this week
letting them know. Thanks to those who have already turned in their books. Please
keep them coming! Remember students can still use Sora to read all summer long!
✔ Congrats Debaters! After a long night of debating last Thursday, we were able to
have our students celebrate their success for the regular season last night.
Indian Hills Coaches Award
• Jonah Sorensen
Indian Hills MVP and Winner of the District Debate MVP Award
• Ellie Houtz
Three Year Debate Award Winners
• Racer Buchmiller
• Ellie Swallow
• Dallin Woodley
• Jonah Sorensen
• Dexter Tonks
• Logan Butler
• Miller Mcdonough
• Carter Littlefield
• Maddie THaut
• Ana Sayer
• Maggie Bradeley
• Macy Sackewitz
• Ryker Kelly
• Cameron Barnes
• Jonah Bird
• Ashlyn Fry
• Jackson Lebaron
• Alex Howard
Policy Speaker Awards
• 5 – Payton Bradford
• 6 – Brooklyn Lucky
• 12 – Jason Rothermun
Policy Debate (Qualified for State)
• 3 – Jaya Stone and Dexter Tonks
• 4 – Ellie Houtz
• 10 – Kameron Cross
• 11 – Jackson Yrungaray and Daniel Craig
Lincoln Douglas Speaker Awards
• 2 – Logan Butler
• 4 – Racer Buchmiller
• 12 – Kylie Taylor
• 20 – Melanie Hansen
Lincoln Douglas (Qualified for State)
• 7 – Logan Butler
• 13 – Racer Buchmiller
• 14 – Kylie Taylor
Extemporaneous Speech (Qualified for State)
• 2 – Millie Otvos
• 4 – Miller McDonough
• 8 – Sully Osborne
• 9 – Sam Broadbent
• 11 – Ellie Swallow
• 15 – Cameron Barnes
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | ||||
ELA RISE | 4/29 | ELA RISE | 4/30 | ELA RISE | 5/1 | ELA RISE | 5/2 | 5/3 ELA RISE make-ups PTSA Dress-up Day: StarWars! |
5/6 | 5/7 | 5/8 | 5/9 SCIENCE RISE State Debate Tournament 3- 9 PM | 5/10 SCIENCE RISE make-ups Citizen of the Month 7:30 AM **Last day to check out books from library | ||||
7th period- Honor Roll & Dependable Warrior recognition | Dance 2 concert 6:30 PM | |||||||
MATH RISE | 5/13 | 5/14 MATH RISE Dance Company/ Dance 1 Concert 6:30 PM | 5/15 MATH RISE Beginning Choir 5:30 PM Concert Choir 6:30 PM | 5/16 MATH RISE 4.0 Luncheon 12 PM Last day of Warrior Suppor Orchestra Concert 6:30pm | 5/17 MATH RISE make-ups **All books due to library | |||
5/20 | 5/21 RISE Make-ups **6th & 7th grades – turn in Chromebooks in science classes | 5/22 RISE Make- ups **Recognition Assembly **Talent Show | 5/23 | 5/24 | ||||
ALL TEST RISE Make-ups in the Warrior Room | RISE Make- ups **Fine Arts Assembly | Memory book distribution 2nd period | ||||||
**8th grade – turn in Chromebooks in science classes | Percussion Concert 6:00 PM | 8th grade locker cleanout | ||||||
Band Concert 7:00 PM | Memory book celebration 7th period | |||
5/27 MEMORIAL DAY NO SCHOOL | 5/28 Lagoon Day for 8th grade! 6th grade locker clean out 7th grade locker clean out | 5/29 Last day for 6th graders! (Alta Graduation) | 5/30 Last day of school for 7th & 8th grade. -12:05 PM Release (no lunch provided) | 5/31 |
We are better together at Indian Hills Middle School!
Indian Hills Middle School Administration