1180 E Sanders Rd, Sandy, Utah 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked MIddle School Badge

April 11, 2023- Minutes

Via Zoom: https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/86478511002?pwd=TW8zbXp2YStpeEpzeCsyd2JYdjNEQT09

Voting Members: Karlie Aardema, Annette Alley, Katie Atkinson, Peter Baxter, Jason Dyer, Navina Forsythe, Doug Graham, Alan Layton, Michael Mayall, Melissa Jones (in place for Roxann)

Non-voting Members

Alternates: Merinda Cutler and Mindy Cupello

PTSA President – Lisa Kendrick


Welcome and approval of minutes – Katie Atkinson.  Navina moved to approve.  Annette seconded.

  1. TSSP and LAND Trust Plans – proposed goals
    1. Doug went over our planned expenditures. There was a question about the math workbooks and whether that was a one-time expenditure.  It was clarified that we must buy them every year. 
    2. Another question came up about what has changed from last year’s plan. Doug pointed out what was different in our plan.
    3. Parents asked about the book studies. Doug explained our book study groups and that process.
  2. Student Center Update – Melissa Jones
    1. Still going into classrooms and teaching college and career readiness lessons.
    2. We are working on next year planning as well.
  3. PTSA Update – Lisa Kendrick
    1. Our big focus coming up is Teacher Appreciation Week
  4. Other items not listed
    1. Thank you to everyone for being on the SCC this year.We appreciate your time!
  5. Adjournment
    1. Karlie moves to adjourn. Alan seconded