Committee Members
In Attendance:
- Doug Graham, Principal
- Roger Moody, Assistant Principal
- Kesha Prince, Teacher
- Roxann Wolfe, Counselor
- Aja Steck, Parent
- Cindy Boyer, Parent
- Tess Hortin, Parent
- Jody Hadfield, PTSA President Non-Voting
- Grace Acosta, Chair
- Laurie Marsh, Vice Chair
- Mindy Doyle, Parent
Next Meeting January 14, 2020 @ 3:30 pm
Discussion of Agenda Items
- Finalize & Approve Safety & Digital Literacy Plans
- Vaping
- Reviewed Answers being submitted to District
- Action Plan is currently under development
- Involve NJHS members
- Health Fair Nights
- Pilot Program for Vaping Detectors to be installed
- Information at PTC
- Utilize resources already developed
- More Education to students on how they are being misled about Vaping and the dangers of deceptive advertising
- Digital Citizenship
- Overview of answers being submitted to district
- Action Plan
- Ongoing training via emailed tips
- Netsmart Assembly
- Info given at PTC
- Posted info website- monthly
- Health Fair Nights
All attending members approved both plans
- Ideas of how we can implement more of an awareness to be idle free during pickup times.
- Encourage drivers to use the parking lot to park and turn their cars off while waiting, instead of at the curb
- Call it the Idle Free Zone/lot, reward drivers as they pull in during an idle free awareness week.
- Get Student Council , PTSA and NJHS members involved by having them make signs to hang in hallways and to hold up during awareness week outside during pickup times.
- Align awareness weeks with our feeder elementary schools awareness weeks
- Altara Elementary will have theirs January 13-16, 2020
- Include information/reminder inn the monthly newsletters, on the marquee, skylerts
- Obtain more “Turn your key, be idle free” signs from Utah Clean cities
- School Data: 2019 Fall SWSBA Math Scores
- Principal Graham passed out the following information to review:
- Red & White Ribbon Week to be combined into one week, same week as Netsmart Assembly in February
- Holiday lunch Activities Dec. 20th
3. Counseling Center Update: Roxann Wolfe
- 8th Grade mtgs wrapping up Dec. 11th
- 8th Grade Night: Jan 22nd, 6:00 pm @ Alta
- Parent Night for 5th Graders: Feb. 6th, 6:00-7:00 pm @ IHM
- 5th Graders come to IHM: Feb. 4th, 9:45 am