1180 E Sanders Rd, Sandy, Utah 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked MIddle School Badge

December 7, 2021 – Minutes

SCC Notes

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Zoom Mtg


In attendance: Doug G, Tess H, Roxann, Angela V, Katie A, Teneil, Jason, Jill C, Navina, Susanne Harrison

  • Approved last month’s minutes (Jason moved, Katie 2nd)
  • Detailed instructions on getting Rose Bowl tickets for a decent price (buy through the school or WAIT until prices go down)
  • Doug: made changes in wording of TSSA action plan eliminating any language related to Second Step (implementing Kindness Campaign by our counselors and social workers)

Review Safety Plan Ideas:

  • Focus on coping/resiliency
  • Promoting resiliency in students and families
  • Fostering connections
  • Assemblies/song by student
  • Places in rooms (boxes) with resources for calming anxiety (6th graders)

Summary:  education, resources, guest speakers

Doug:  PTSA rep and an SCC rep to do a read-through of safe-walking routes (Tess and Teneil volunteered)

Roxann:  class changes AFTER winter break, Jan 19 is 8th grade orientation with Alta

Teneil:  pie for teachers at lunch Wednesday, Dec 17 PTSA activity (?), students in PTSA are meeting and it’s going well

Rep. Susanne Harrison thanked us all for our service!

Meeting adjourned