Welcome and Introductions
Committee Members:
- Grace Acosta, Chair
- Laurie Marsh, Vice-Chair
- Mindy Doyle, Secretary
- Doug Graham, Principal
- Roger Moody, Assistant Principal
- Kesha Prince, Teacher
- Roxann Wolfe, Counselor
- Aja Steck, Parent
- Cindy Boyer, Parent
- Tess Hortin, Parent
- Jody Hadfield, PTSA President Non-voting
*Grace and Tess absent
Future Meeting Dates and Times
- 2ndTuesday of every month @ 3:30 PM, Main Office Conference Room
*April meeting moved to 3rd Tuesday
- March 17, 2020
- April 21, 2020*
- May 12, 2020
Meeting began at 3:33 PM.
Two nominations for Teacher of the year. The deadline is past. It ended Feb 3rd.
January Meeting Minutes Approved. Laurie Motioned, Mindy Seconds, everyone in attendance approved.
Meeting with BLT next week looking at current statistics, goals and action plans. They will meet 3 times this year.
They will discuss CCIP, it would be a multi-year plan to adjust the proficiency level. Keeping plan for 3-5 years. Wanting to increase numbers by 3%
Will discuss OTR
Review of Land Trust Budget
Review of Student Success Act
PTSA Update-
Sicknesses going around. Should we send out a reminder regarding washing hands and disinfecting?
Red and White ribbon week next week
Cook orthodontics pays for A’s
Setting up parent training in library during Parent Teacher Conference
Counselor Update-
Registration cards due this week.
Laurie Motioned to Adjourn, Mindy Seconds, all were in favor.
Emailed to members