Indian Hills SCC Meeting Agenda February 9, 2021
Doug Graham—Principal
Halley Nelson—Asst. Principal
Roxanne Wolfe-Counselor
Tess Hortin—Parent/Chair
Charlotte Gonzalez—Teacher
Cindy Boyer—Parent
Katie Atkinson—Parent
Aja Steck—Parent
Mindy Doyle—Parent/Secretary
Laurie Marsh—Parent
Teneil Hansen—PTA President
Meeting Minutes:
Tess Hortin:
Call to Order
Approved minutes, Laurie moved to approve, Katie seconds
Doug Graham:
TSSP and Land Trust plan due dates have been pushed back. Roger has posted the preliminary reports online. Review them and make comments in next meeting.
Testing – It will take two more years of RISE testing to have comparables due to the changes in testing software.
MR & RI data is not comprehensive and entirely accurate because online students didn’t take it.
Math and Reading Inventories – Fall reading scores are consistent with past years. We did not see any drop due to interrupted learning in the Spring from COVID. Math scores showed a significant impact across the district, but we are consistent with past years in the improvement from Fall to Winter.”
Tutoring – Suggestion for more advertising to parents regarding after school tutoring is needed. Instead of calling it Warrior Support, maybe re-name it Warrior Tutoring so that parents and students understand more what it is.
Reviewed and discussed growth goals.
School Safety – Highlight of School Safe Technology and Digital Literacy Plan
Roxanne Wolfe: Counseling Update and Information
Thank you for helping with 6th grade orientation and scheduling
New scheduling system is going very well.
Teacher of the year nominations came in, 22 teachers received at least one nomination.
Teneil Hansen: PTA Update
White ribbon week is coming up on the 16th.
Parent Teacher Conference coming up. Food Truck Monday.
Spirit Wear Store open.
Student of the month today.
Absent/ Excused – Mindy, Aja
Meeting Adjourned, motioned by Cindy, Laurie seconds