1180 E Sanders Rd, Sandy, Utah 84094

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January 11, 2022 – Minutes

Indian Hills Middle School School Community Council

Jan 11, 2022 4pm


Members:  Doug Graham, Karlie Aardema, Melissa Jones for Roxann Wolfe, Angela Vosti, Tess Hortin, Katie Atkinson, Peter Baxter, Jill Coil, Jason Dyer, Navina Forsythe, Teneil Hansen (PTSA President, non-voting)

Mindy Cupello also on the zoom call

Welcome and Meeting Minutes Approval — Tess Hortin

  • Karlie moved to approve and Peter seconded

TSSP and Land Trust Discussion for 2021-2022 school year—Doug Graham

  • We may need to write an amendment because we have not been able to hire all of the aides we budgeted for.
  • We also have not been able to hire an aide for our lowest achieving students in 6th grade
  • Doug explained growth and how it has been hard that we have not had comparable data for the last couple of years
  • We need to amend out TSSP so that we can spend some of that money that we have left over
  • Jill asked about a test prep class or support for student
  • SCC will think about it and the BLT will discuss it and get back together with ideas
  • Doug suggested that we pay a person to come in and train our teachers those skills instead of trying to hire someone to do that
  • Share ideas via email so that we can start the discussion going

Counseling Center – Melissa Jones subbing for Roxann Wolfe

  • Lots of schedule changes happening right now (150 as of right now)
    • The window closes on January 19th
  • We have dates for registration that may have to be flexible with the current situation
    • Alta had to postpone their assembly for tomorrow
  • Parent night for incoming 6th graders is almost ready and may have to be virtual
  • Current 8th graders registration dates will be pushed back 2 or 3 weeks
  • Working on doing anxiety coping toolkits. We can give out individualized kits that are about $5.  We also are going to start with 6th grade classes and pilot an in class coping corner.  We are hoping this allows students to stay in class and self-regulate.  These will be about $30.
  • Wellness week is coming up in March


PTSA – Teneil Hansen

  • PTA day at the capitol. It is all virtual and free.
  • PTC – PTA will help feed the teachers (End of February and beginning of March)



  • Melissa moved to adjourn and Jason seconded