Committee Members
In Attendance:
- Doug Graham, Principal
- Roger Moody, Assistant Principal
- Kesha Prince, Teacher
- Roxann Wolfe, Counselor
- Grace Acosta, Chair
- Laurie Marsh, Vice-Chair
- Mindy Doyle, Parent
- Cindy Boyer, Parent
- Tess Hortin, Parent
- Jody Hadfield, PTSA President Non-Voting
- Aja Steck, Parent
- Jody Hadfield, PTSA President Non-Voting
Future Meeting Dates and Times
- 2nd Tuesday of every month @ 3:30 PM, Main Office Conference Room
*April meeting moved to 3rd Tuesday
- February 11, 2020
- March 10, 2020
- April 21, 2020*
- May 12, 2020
Meeting began at 3:32 PM. Representative Suzanne Harrison present today.
December Meeting Minutes Approved. Tess Hortin Motioned, Kesha Seconds, everyone in attendance approved.
Suzanne Harrison has asked for any biggest concerns to take back to Hill.
Items Mentioned –
– Counseling needs
– Plan for Future of Education
Suzanne Harrison presented a petition to sign for Further of Education
Vaping Safety Plan
-Plan has been approved by Mr. Graham and will be presented to students soon. Suzanne gave info for Medical Doctor, she gave name and number to Grace) for us to have at the assembly. (send an Invite to Suzanne)
-Talk to Student Groups to help with Posters or Flyers (Tesha)
Parent Teacher Conference Nights Mini Presentations
– Vaping (Cindy, Tess, Katie)
– Static Messages (scrolling message to read)
New Topic to ponder and discuss
– Kids are snorting Smarties
Digital Citizenship
-Good response
-Feb 18-21 Red Ribbon and White Ribbon Week
SNAP Plan –
– Tess mentioned Sprucewood working toward getting a crosswalk across 700 East. Students are crossing the Street without a crosswalk or sidewalks. 700 East is a UDOT Road. Contact Travis Evans (UDOT Safety Route)
Parking Lot Attendance –
Idel Free –
-Orders for signs have been made.
-Cindy has Reached out to Sandy City to make them aware. The hope is to mirror Draper City Idle Free Plan. Cindy will ask the officers that will be attending the Elementary School and ask if they can visit IHMS.
Administrative –
-Reviewed “Utah School Grades” Indian Hills vs. Canyons District
– Mr. Graham mentioned that he’s proud of the IHMS ELL Education program
– We are going back to SAGE Testing Company however the name has changed to RAGE. This should be up and going soon.
Training Feb 9,10,11,12 Web Training California
PTSA Update
– Moved Red/ White Ribbon Week to week of Feb 18th. Same as net Smart Digital Week
Counseling update
Alta High Coming to IHMS tomorrow for 8th Graders
Alta Registration Cards Due the 29th
Incoming 5th Graders Visiting IHMS Feb 4th
Parent Night 6th
Parent Nominations are due now.
Grace Motioned to Adjourn, Tess Second, all were in favor.
Emailed to members