Welcome and Introductions
Committee Members:
- Grace Acosta, Chair
- Laurie Marsh, Vice-Chair
- Doug Graham, Principal
- Roger Moody, Assistant Principal
- Kesha Prince, Teacher
- Roxanne Wolfe, Counselor
*Kesha, Roger and Jody excused.
- Aja Steck, Parent
- Cindy Boyer, Parent
- Tess Hortin, Parent
- Mindy Doyle, Parent
- Jody Hadfield, PTSA President Non-voting
Future Meeting Dates and Times:
- 2nd Tuesday of every month @ 3:30 PM,
Main Office Conference Room
**April meeting moved to 3rd Tuesday
- January 14, 2020
- February 11, 2020
- March 10, 2020
- April 21, 2020**
- May 12, 2020
October Meeting Minutes Approved. Tess Hortin Motioned, Principal Graham Seconds, everyone in attendance approved.
Meeting Minutes:
- Brief overview of ideas discussed, in last meeting, pertaining to Safety Plan
- Need to focus on 1 idea and the action plan for that idea
- Ideas discussed:
- Crosswalk safety
- Drop off safety & efficiency
- Safe walking routes (need someone to sit with Roger to discuss SNAP plan)
- Safety Team/education
- Social & emotional support, IE suicide
- We have a new social worker (part time) and therapist, very helpful
- Our 1st year having this support
- 2nd step program (from district)
- Bullying
- New Ideas brought to table:
- DISRESPECT FROM STUDENT BODY; not respecting authority/adults
- Why is it happening? Possible cell phone, electronics connection, home environment…
- Lack of Empathy, tied to bullying
- Discussed how different attitudes are today vs 10 years ago
- Could include topics on this during Circle Chats
- Educate students and parents
- PTA night
- Took Vote on which Safety Plan idea we feel is best to present to district:
- Motion for Vaping to be the idea made by Cindy Boyer
- 2nd by Tess Hortin
- All board members voted yes for Vaping to be the Safety Plan topic to present to district
- Vaping: further discussion
- Principal Graham has requested to be a pilot school for the Vaping Smoke detectors
- What is the protocol if kids are caught?
- Principal Graham estimates about 10% of our student body is vaping
- About 120 students out of our 1200 students
- Education for parents: on our social media, website, newsletters
- Have classes include discussion in their circle chats: doing once a month now but will be moving to 2x a month
- Include an information session about it at PTC
- Board will each complete the Safety Plan form online, to be completed by next Friday
- Discussed Digital Literacy Plan/ Digital Citizenship Plan
- Netsmarts is back: assembly February 18
- Cindy will ask Jody about moving white ribbon week to Feb 17th.
- Principal Graham will look into why report cards are not on Skyward.
- Counseling Department – We have successfully completed CCR meetings with the 8th
- PTA – Veterans Day Wall of Honor was a success. Principal Graham would like a speaker again for next year. Also, Jody would like to have a Scout troop come and do a flag ceremony. Digital form to compete and print at home.
- Left-over food. Our student council is thinking about including a bin for left-over food that can be saved and given to students in need or re-used another day.
Meeting adjourned, motioned by Roxanne, Cindy Seconds, all were in favor. 4:40 PM.
Emailed to members