Indian Hills Middle School Community Council Meeting
Attending: Shelly Karren, Rochelle Griffin, Anne Lavigne (PTSA president), Amy Shaw, Becca Van De Graaff, Cinnamin Morton, Mindy Cupello, Patrick Latimer, Denise Avey
November 12th , 2024, Warrior Room
- Welcome & Approve October Minutes
- There was an amendment sent out by Principal Karren to our October minutes. Mindy moved to approve and Amy seconded. All approved.
- Counseling Update (Van De Graaff)
- Canyoneering Nights
- The district provides mental health screener nights at every middle school throughout the year. Mrs. Van De Graaff explained the resources available at these nights. The staff there will follow up with the student’s school if needed. The district office also connects families with outside resources.
- Rochelle asked if this is connected to project connections. We clarified that Project connections is the company we contract with that provides therapy to students in school.
- Denise mentioned that she has utilized this resource and it has been great!
- Anne asked if it is open house style and we clarified that it is. You do not need to let them know you are coming. You also don’t need to attend your assigned school and can go to any of the nights that works with your schedule.
- Rochelle asked about if it is only available to middle school students and we clarified that it is available to all students in Canyons District.
- Becca said that students who need it can leave with a safety plan, which is helpful for all involved.
- Canyons also offers parenting classes under resources on the canyons website
- Health class talked about lifelines and the counselors continue to follow up as needed. The SafeUT app helps with that as well.
- Rochelle asked what we can do to improve the messaging of these resources to parents?
- Shelly can add this to our newsletter
- Karlie can add this to our social media as well
- Parents mentioned messaging these resources to the students. Some parents mentioned post cards and emails as helpful. Another parent mentioned that an assembly, contest, or dress-up week may help information get home. Flyers are also helpful.
- The district provides mental health screener nights at every middle school throughout the year. Mrs. Van De Graaff explained the resources available at these nights. The staff there will follow up with the student’s school if needed. The district office also connects families with outside resources.
- Wellness room data
- 6th and 7th graders are using the wellness room more than 8th grade.
- Most students leave feeling less overwhelmed than when they came in with the average length being about 10 minutes.
- Counselors started PCCR meetings this week for our 8th graders. Parents are invited if they would like to attend.
- Canyoneering Nights
- PTSA Update (Lavigne)
- PTSA put together a nominating committee looking for people to fill positions for next year.
- Teacher recognition board gave caramel apples in October and pies in November.
- We had Red Ribbon week with our Classic Fun Center night.
- Reflections is done as well and everyone gets to move on to regions.
- PTSA student group is doing great things and students are loving being involved!
- School Climate Data & Safety Plan
- 3 voting parents needed to sign our safe walking route that we went over last month
- Last year the number one concern was peers being able to interact positively with each other and conflict resolution.
- We looked over the school climate data together.
- Shelly met with several student groups to get their feedback and perspective on how things are going at the school. Students want to focus on making our hallways more positive and peer interactions more positive.
- Our Building Leadership Team members have been shadowing our students to help build empathy and help us remember what it is like to be a middle schooler.
- ODR stands for Office Discipline Referral – We have way less than last year at this time, which is great!
- Rochelle mentioned students that marked that they don’t have an adult that they feel like they can talk to.
- Cinnamin mentioned keeping our neurodivergent kids in mind as we make plans to support our students.
- Denise mentioned empowering students to be leaders to each other and to share information.
- School State Accountability Report Review for 2024
- Shelly went over the data and asked the SCC to look over the data and keep it in mind as we look to create our LANDTRUST goals for next year.
- Denise moved that we “meet” over email in December in lieu of meeting in person. Patrick seconded.
- Rochelle moved to adjourn and Mindy seconded.
- Meeting times:
- December 3rd (cancelled)
- January—no meeting scheduled
- February 4th
- March 4th
- April 1st
- May 6th