Indian Hills Middle School School Community Council Nov. 9, 2021 4pm
Members: Doug Graham, Karlie Aardema, Roxann Wolfe, Angela Vosti, Tess Hortin, Katie Atkinson, Peter Baxter, Jill Coil, Jason Dyer, Navina Forsythe, Teneil Hansen (PTSA President, non-voting), Emily Davidson (our alternate)
Welcome and Meeting Minutes Approval — Tess Hortin
● Katie moves to approve, Jason seconds it-all approved
Additional Bylaws Review and Discussion — Tess Hortin
Article III
- Elections held during the August or (we all voted to change this to just September) September SCC Meetings (Currently have range of May to September)
- “Posted to the Indian Hills Middle School Website and notice will be sent home.”
- (1) 53G-7-1202 (4)(b)(ii) amend to state 2 school employees instead of 3
- (2)53G-7-1202(4)(c)
- A school community council may determine the size of the school community council by a majority vote of a quorum of the school community council provided that:
(i) the membership includes 2 or more parent members than the number of school employee members; and
(ii) there are at least two school employee members on the school community council
5. …will meet monthly with the exception of June and July 6. change code to Section 201 instead of 207
9. (sub 5) PTA president “with voting rights if elected”
10. (9) Safe Walking Route Plan (10) Electronic Device Plan (11) Positive Behavior Plan
- We will vote for new members in September and will vote for officers in our September meeting
- Navina moved to approve, Katie seconded, everyone approved
School Safety Report — Doug Graham
Possible Plan Focal Points: bullying, hallway behavior, vaping/drug use, mental health (anxiety and depression), property destruction, social media and internet safety.
- We have $3000 in this year’s plan to spend on an anti vaping campaign. Do we still want to do some Friday lessons on vaping? Peter had also suggested that we focus on mental health (anxiety and depression). This is part of our Friday learning already.
- Counselors are doing lessons on gratitude in November and celebrating success in December. Each month will have a theme and lessons will be taught in 4th period class on Fridays. We will include an executive functioning lesson once a month.
- We could look at buying supplies to support both of these initiatives.
- Jill threw out the idea of doing a promotional video about vaping with her company.
- Navina put a resource in the chat that we could use as well. Click here for the resource.
- Team is going to go and research and Jill and Jason are going to work together to come up with a formal proposal.
- Team is concerned about the mental health of students. Could we spend some of the school safety money on these resources?
- Part of the funding went to a 3rd full time counselor and that has helped a ton
- Roxann suggested having more information going out to parents
- Should we use our resources for coping with not vaping being part of it?
- SCC would like a summary from the counseling center about their surveys sent out to parents and students
- Doug can also share the SHARP survey results
Current LAND Trust Plan, data and expenditures (on course or amendments needed?) –Doug Graham
● We have started to focus on our D’s and F’s. We narrowed it down to students who do not have attendance issues because we felt like it was more in our control. Kudos to our teachers for having problem solving conversations involving these students.
Focusing on Ds and Fs
● Parents are frustrated by the way teachers are inputting grades into skyward vs. canvas. The two systems are not communicating with each other.
Counseling Center — Roxann Wolfe
- 8th grade field trip was a success today
- Over 9 groups are running right now and having success
- Stress, coping, and healthy relationships
- District is doing mental health screeners in January
- Socials are still going strong. Looking for more ideas for next month, specifically 8th graders.
- Thinking about doing a service project or art project in January.
PTSA — Teneil Hansen
● Teneil excused. Said they had good participation in red ribbon week
● Katie moved to adjourn, Jill seconded, all approved.