1180 E Sanders Rd, Sandy, Utah 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked MIddle School Badge

October 13, 2020 – Minutes

Welcome and Introductions

Committee Members:
• Tess Hortin, Parent/ Chair
• Laurie Marsh, Parent/ Vice Chair
• Doug Graham, Principal 
• Halley Nelson, Assistant Principal 
• Charlotte Gonzalez, Teacher 
• Roxanne Wolfe, Counselor 
• Aja Steck, Parent 
• Cindy Boyer, Parent
• Katie Atkinson, Parent • Mindy Doyle, Parent/Secretary 
• Teneil Hansen, PTSA President Non-voting

Future Meeting Dates and Times:

• 2nd Tuesday of every month @ 3:30 PM, Main Office Conference Room

• Nov 10th, 2020
• Dec 8th, 2020
• Jan 12th, 2020 
• Feb 9th, 2020
• Mar 9th, 2020
• Apr 13th, 2020
• May 11th, 2020


Meeting began at 3:36 PM
Call to Order
Cindy Approved, Katie 2nd.

Meeting minutes approved

SCC Training- All have attended

Budget Expenditures Ideas
-Hot Spot Devices
-Student Technology purchases
-Software updates for Teachers for live streaming
-Teachers needing microphones and other equipment for live streaming
-Teachers needing laptops and/or monitors

All to Review -Digital Citizenship on Canyons Website

Additional resources for SCC team:
-View Canyons School District Website for SCC resource center

Familiarize yourself with these (We’ll review for next meeting):
-School Safety Plan
-School Safe Technology and Digital Literacy Plan
-Positive Behavioral Health Plan

Implement Google Chat to help 

Student Council may have valuable input for SCC.  The students can discuss topics in their meetings and send a representative to SCC.

Camille Harrison is over the Student Council. 

Possibly add something to the newsletter about the policy’s 

Living Leader
-Created by the district to help keep staff active. Lindsey Pearson is over this.  They will have activities such as Volleyball, Yoga, Movies, etc. 

Teachers update
-Having Fridays to prepare has alleviated a lot of pressure
-Fridays are a regular school day and are for learning, it’s not a catch up on homework day. Students need to login to canvas for attendance tracking. 

Counseling Update
-PCCR Meetings are going on right now

PTA Update
-Citizen of the month update 


Tess motioned to adjourn, Mindy second, all were in favor.