1180 E Sanders Rd, Sandy, Utah 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked MIddle School Badge

October 3, 2023 – Minutes


Indian Hills Middle School Community Council

Agenda: October 3, 2023

4:00 p.m. – Warrior room


Voting Members: Katie Atkinson, Merinda Cutler, Mindy Cupello, Alan Layton, Susan Leete, Karlie Aardema, Shelly Karren


Non-voting Members:

PTSA President – Lisa Kendrick

Rochelle Griffin – Alternate

Teacher Librarian – Trina McGowan

Assistant Principal – Joseph Olson




  • Alan moved to approve the minutes from our last meeting and Katie seconded


  • SCC Chair & Vice Chair vote
    • Karlie nominated Katie Atkinson as chair and Merinda seconded.  All agreed
    • Susie nominated Mindy as vice-chair and Merinda seconded.  All agreed


  • Digital Citizenship Plan Review (Trina McGowan will present): Due November 1st
    • Trina showed the video made by the district for SCCs.
    • Trina went over how the 5th Thrive Time Lesson is going to be our digital citizenship lesson.  Parent square information will go out so that parents know about lessons.
    • Shelly went over filtering options and chromebook use.  We discussed as an SCC.
    •  Trina went over the topics that will be covered and parents said that they appreciated the topics that are going to be covered
    • Parents suggested tying the digital lessons to emotional health and Thrive time so that they can follow up at home.




  • Safety Plan Review: Due November 1st


    • Joe Olson, our school safety coordinator, went over our SNAP from last year.  We will gather feedback and make changes as needed for the 24-25 school year.
    • School Community Council would like an updated map that is easier to read
    • Our school is not on the safe walking route website – Joe is going to double check to make sure that ours is on there – Is this something we can communicate to parents as well?
    • Parents suggested a sign for no student drop off in the back along with the cones.
    • Admin will communicate with transportation and then send out some messaging.
    • Katie asked about adequate lighting on campus for the dark mornings
    • We also talked about our school safety plan
      • Parents said that anxiety is a huge concern as well as building positive relationships
      • Parents would like data to show if our plan is working
      • Could we put stories of heroes and students on the walls?  This led to our next agenda item


  • Building Belonging & Inclusion at our school: flags, LIA, other ideas
    • The flags hanging in the commons help show the representation of our student body.  The committee is welcome to give school administration any feedback on this item or suggest other ways to make the school environment feel more inclusive.
    • It was suggested that we have students share their stories and display them in the display case in the commons or front display case as a way


  • Cell Tower Proposed Funding: for NJHS Teacher Stipend & Library
    • Shelly Karren asked for approval for stipends for our NJHS advisers ($500 each) and for Ms. McGowan for extra time spent during this past summer updates to the library ($500).  This proposal was approved.


  • Schoolwide Assessment Data (Fall RI/RISE 2023)
    • Shelly Karren reviewed RI/MT and RISE data with the group.  More exploration of this data will occur as our Land Trust and TSSP dates approach in January.


Counseling Update (not included on initial agenda)

  • Susie Leete gave a brief update on counseling items, including visits to classrooms and college week coming up the first week of November.


PTSA Update

  • Lisa Kendrick provided an update on the following: White Ribbon & Red Ribbon Weeks, which are coming up soon; parent teacher conferences, reflections, and spirit wear


Motion to adjourn the meeting by Mindy Cupello; seconded by Merinda Cutler


Meeting adjourned


Next SCC Meeting: November 7th in the Warrior Room at 4:00 p.m.