Indian Hills Middle School
SCC Agenda
October 5, 2021 4:00pm
- Doug Graham
- Karlie Aardema
- Roxann Wolfe
- Angela Vosti
- Tess Hortin
- Katie Atkinson
- Peter Baxter
- Jill Coil
- Jason Dyer
- Navina Forsythe
- Teneil Hansen (PTSA President, non-voting)
Welcome and Meeting Minutes Approval — Tess Hortin
- Doug made a motion to approve the minutes from our last meeting
- Jason seconds the motion
- All approved
Digital Citizenship — Marissa Merket
- Marissa provided a presentation for the SCC about her expectations as the digital citizenship coordinator and her plan for the school year. We will use the PTSA newsletter to send out information about digital citizenship.
- Digital citizenship week October 18-22nd. It will be a spirit week with a theme each day.
- Parents are grateful for all the work that Marissa is doing and how organized she is
- Could we tie dressing up for this week to PBIS points?
Bylaws Review and Discussion — Tess Hortin
- We need to amend some of our bylaws.
- Article III
- Doug has a list of the next two highest parents that were voted for and Doug will reach out and let them know that they are alternates should something happen. We should put that into the election process. Sprucewood had the alternates attend the meetings so they know what is going on, but they can’t vote.
- Could we do digital elections? Doug said we could look at it for next year. We will revisit this at the end of this year.
- We are going to change what it states from having no more than nine members, to ten members because we currently have ten members.
- 53a – community council for IHMS shall have six parents or guardians and four school employees.
- After reading carefully, we do not need to change this bylaw because of the larger SCC stipulation already listed.
- Amend voting the chair in during the September meeting instead of the May meeting. We will need to have our first meeting in early September so that the chair and co-chair can go to the training meetings.
- Under the roles, the principal does not create the agenda. The chair creates it and presents it to the principal for approval. Change to “principal oversees the creation of the agenda with the chair.” Members should be able to go to the chair to talk about agenda items.
- Under vice-chair, take off the part about the chair being from one group and the vice chair being from the other group (employee vs. parents)
- Under section 10, change the first one to TSSP and we need to add safety plan and digital citizenship to the list as well.
- Update the new codes for SCC under bylaws
- Navina moved to adopt the changes as outlined and Katie seconded the motion. All approved.
School Safety Report — Doug Graham
- Doug went through last year’s safety report. Last year we decided that we needed to revise our evacuation plan and reunification plan. We previously used the church on the corner for reunification. We realized that we needed to change the location so we have changed it to Sprucewood elementary school. Fair weather days, we would stay housed inside the best we could until reunification is possible. Mr. Moody and Mr. Graham walked down to Sprucewood to make sure that the plan would work.
- Katie asked if our keys would open Sprucewood. They would not, but district personnel would be able to be there quick enough to let us in.
- We would send the older sibling to the younger student area so parents wouldn’t have to go to multiple stops.
- Katie asked, “how do you stop students from walking home?”
- We would have teachers who do not have a class at the time to monitor the route and ensure students are walking on the route.
- Parking lot traffic flow was another safety concern for this year.
- Mr. Graham has been out there in the mornings and both safety concerns have been addressed and are going better this year.
- We would like to start thinking about things for our safety plan for next year and would like to start the conversation by November.
- Members will send ideas for the safety plan by email.
- Tess will start an email chain so that we can start brainstorming
Counseling Center — Roxann Wolfe
- Samantha organized our first after school game social and we had about 85 students attend. We will do this again in November. It was very successful and we saw great connections happening.
- College week is next week and we will do virtual college tours and wear college gear.
- Unity day is October 20th during digital citizenship week
- 8th PCCRs are coming up and information will be sent home with parents. They will be on Canvas with the option to come in person.
PTSA — Teneil Hansen
- 13th College day – PTSA coming in at lunch and taking pictures
- Teacher pick me up after fall break (lunch time soda)
- Red Ribbon week the last week in October
- PTSA student board is starting up soon.
Question was posed about the SEL committee. Board is meeting tonight to decide.
COVID numbers? Still under 5.
Adjournment – Doug motioned to adjourn. Jason seconded.