Welcome and Introductions
Committee Members:
- Grace Acosta, Chair
- Laurie Marsh, Vice-Chair
- Mindy Doyle, Secretary
- Doug Graham, Principal
- Roger Moody, Assistant Principal
- Kesha Prince, Teacher
- Roxann Wolfe, Counselor
- Aja Steck, Parent
- Cindy Boyer, Parent
- Tess Hortin, Parent
- Jody Hadfield, PTSA President Non-voting
*All Members in attendance
Future Meeting Dates and Times
- 2nd Tuesday of every month @ 3:30 PM, Main Office Conference Room
*April meeting moved to 3rd Tuesday
- October 8, 2019
- November 12, 2019
- December 10, 2019
- January 14, 2020
- February 11, 2020
- March 10, 2020
- April 21, 2020*
- May 12, 2020
Updated version of membership role handed out to each member
*corrected Kesha’s name
Meeting dates discussed, will be posted on IHM website.
Visit IHM website, Land Trust information is posted as well as updated By-Laws (updated in 2018)
LT – is Land Trust
FTE – is Paid by the district
10% of Land Trust fund can be carried over to the following year.
Understand your responsibility as a member – Ask questions, know your responsibility and the programs, we do not discuss personnel in this SCC meetings.
Digital Literacy Plan is our school’s responsibility, Net Smart is no longer funded by the state.
SCC Training – Everyone must attend Training meetings, see schedule
Hiring – Two instructional aides were hired to support special education. Aides hours were increased.
Student body is currently at 1,208
Cell Tower Monies – Grace motioned for Permission to use funds for Professional Development – Tess Seconded
We receive about $5,000 from Cell Tower, it has been used for Teacher Professional Development, about $250/pp
Testing/ Data –
Funds (TSSA and LT) allocated based on student membership.
CSIP Plan is developed and monies spent based on goals. Goals are based on district and state measurements.
Changes – Sage – Maybe going back, might give RISE another chance for one more year.
PTSA update
-Spirit Week Coming up
-Red Ribbon Week Coming up
-Oct 14th Chick-fil-a Day
-Lunch activities for Halloween
-Need ideas on how to keep the lunch room clean
PTSA website will be updated
Counseling update
Fill the Bucket – Be the Change you want to see in the World
Over 500 Schedule changes were made, need ideas on how to cut this down
Emailed to members