1180 E Sanders Rd, Sandy, Utah 84094

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SCC Bylaws

Article I – Name

Indian Hills Middle School Community Council (SCC)

Article II – Laws

All Utah School Community Councils function under the following laws and statutes:

Utah Code Ann.

  • 53F-2-404
  • 53G-7-1202
  • 53G-7-1203
  • 53G-7-1206
  • 53G-10-S407

Utah State Board Rule

  • R277-477 Distribution of Funds from the Trust Distribution Account and Administration of the School LAND Trust Program
  • R277-491 School Community Councils
  • R277-491-1, et seq.

Canyons School District Policy 700.01

  • Policy 700.01 School Community Councils

Article III – Standing Rules

  1. Elections for SCC representatives will be held no later than the September SCC meeting.
    1. Notification of available SCC parent member seats, election dates and procedure for declaring candidacy for the SCC will be posted on the Indian Hills Middle School website and notice will be sent home.
    2. If there are more candidates than available seats, two alternates will be selected from the remaining candidates in the order of the number of votes received. They will be appointed as voting members of the council if a seat is vacated prior to the next election and the council votes to fill the vacated seat.
  2. Membership: The number of School Community Council members will be limited to ten. Parent members should be represented from neighborhood and dual-immersion classrooms. This number adheres to laws.
    1. 53G-7-1202 (4)(b)(ii) each school community council for a school other than a high school shall have four parent or guardian members and two school employee members, including the principal.
    2. 53G-7-1202 (4)(c) A school community council may have a larger membership provided that the number of parent or guardian members exceeds the number of school employee members.
  3. Members, parent and employee, have an expectation of attendance.
    1. If for some reason a member cannot attend a scheduled meeting, notification should be given to the Chair or Principal prior to the meeting.
    2. If an SCC member misses two consecutive meetings during a given school year they will be invited to discuss why with the Principal and Chair. If they miss a third consecutive meeting during a given school year, they may continue with the committee as a non-voting member; however, their voting seat will be ceded to a replacement.  If alternate members were selected, their appointment to the vacated seat will be ratified by the SCC.  If alternates were not selected, but a vote was held at the outset of the school year, the position will be offered to the candidate with the highest vote count after the originally chosen committee member.  If that person declines, the position will be offered to the candidate with the next highest vote, and so on down the list.  If no alternates are available to serve, and by vote it is determined that the seat needs to be filled, the SCC may seek out parents or school employees to be appointed.  All newly appointed committee members will need a ratifying vote by the SCC.
    3. If an SCC member misses five or more meetings during the school year, they may continue with the committee as a non-voting member; however, their voting seat will be ceded to a replacement.  The protocol for filling their position will follow the course outlined in 3(B).
  4. A quorum is defined as a majority of members with the stipulation that the majority must follow the legal composition of the council and have, at minimum, two more parent members than employee members present to vote.
  5. The Indian Hills Middle School Community Council will meet monthly with the exception of June and July. The majority of the council must approve of canceling and/or calling additional meetings.
  6. School Community Councils are subject to Open Meetings Law, Utah Code Title 52, Chapter 4, Section 201; electronic meetings will comply with the law and be publicly noticed as is any public meeting by this body.
  7. Subcommittees may be established or dissolved by a majority vote of the council. Parent members may serve on one or more sub-committees.
    1. Each subcommittee will be chaired or co-chaired by at least one elected school community council member, which will report regularly to the SCC on the committee’s progress
    2. Additional community members, both employee and parent, that are not elected SCC members may serve on any subcommittee with the approval of the SCC
  8. All meetings will be conducted using Robert’s Rules of Order and follow the conduct guidelines listed below.
    1. Meetings will begin on time, use time wisely and finish on time, and stay focused on the agenda
    2. Members and guests will come prepared to participate and avoid side conversations during the meeting. Respect for others in verbal and non-verbal communication will be shown at all times
    3. Avoid disruptions by silencing cell phones and taking necessary calls or conversations out of the room during meetings
  9. The Chair will be elected at the first meeting in September each school year. Other Officers will be elected by the SCC at the September meeting. Leadership positions include:
    1. Principal: Oversees the creation of the agendas with the chair and is responsible to take on the Secretary roles if that person is not in attendance.
    2. Chair: Conducts the meetings and creates agendas in coordination with the principal.  Other duties as outlined in Canyons District policy.
    3. Vice-Chair: Works with the Chair and conducts the meeting in the case of the Chair’s absence.  Will be elected from either the parent or school employee group. 
    4. Secretary: Takes notes at the meeting and creates the minutes for approval by the SCC. Is also responsible for recording the meeting according to the Open Meeting regulations
    5. PTA Liaison: May be an elected parent member of the committee, current year PTA President with voting rights if elected, or an ex-officio non-voting member.
  10. Guests may share appropriate input on subjects that fall under the SCC purview. A guest must contact the Principal or Chair in advance of the meeting and ask to be added to the agenda. The guest may share their information to the council with the time allotted by the Principal or Chair. The council, as a body, may then choose to further discuss the topic(s) or add the topic(s) to an agenda for future discussion. The SCC may invite any person/group to make a longer presentation on issues pertinent to the role of the SCC. The items that are appropriate for discussion by School Community Councils include, but not limited to:
    1. TSSP (teacher student success plan).
    2. School LAND Trust Plan.
    3. Assistance in the development of the Staff Professional Development Plan
    4. Academic needs of the school, with the direction to determine the greatest academic need of
      the school for LAND Trust Plan expenditures.
    5. Advise and make recommendations regarding school programs and issues relating to the
      community environment for students.
    6. Parent/School communication and involvement.
    7. Digital Citizenship
    8. School Safety Plan
    9. Positive Behavior Plan
    10. Electronic Device Plan
    11. Safe Walking Route Plan
  11. Items not to be discussed by the School Community Council include:
    1. Any personnel issues
    2. Individual student information
  12. These Bylaws will be posted on the SCC page of the school website. Each SCC member will read and agree to
    abide by the Bylaws as signified on their declaration of candidacy and at the beginning of each school year