If you missed the Spirit Wear order last fall, it’s not too late. The IHMS Spirit Wear store is open and taking orders. Check it out at https://indianhills.memberhub.store/store Don’t miss your chance!
If you missed the Spirit Wear order last fall, it’s not too late. The IHMS Spirit Wear store is open and taking orders. Check it out at https://indianhills.memberhub.store/store Don’t miss your chance!
IMPORTANT COURSE REQUEST INFORMATION The directions for completing course requests for the 2021-2022 school year have changed.Please visit the Student Center registration page here: Click here
Registration for high school will be here before we know it! Please visit the Student Center website for more information on the mandatory 8th grade Planning for College & Career
The Indian Hills Food drive starts next week and will run from November 9th to November 20th. Double points days and items are: 11/10 – Peanut butter 11/11 – Mac
Our Media Center is hosting an electronic Book Fair to help support our school’s literacy goals. Every purchase will give back to our Media Center to purchase books for student
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.